Elliot Greenberg
Elliot Greenberg
Other namesElliot M Greenberg
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
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Evaluation and management of scapular dysfunction
P McClure, E Greenberg, S Kareha
Sports medicine and arthroscopy review 20 (1), 39-48, 2012
Rehabilitation practice patterns following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a survey of physical therapists
EM Greenberg, ET Greenberg, J Albaugh, E Storey, TJ Ganley
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 48 (10), 801-811, 2018
Strength and functional performance recovery after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in preadolescent athletes
EM Greenberg, ET Greenberg, TJ Ganley, JTR Lawrence
Sports Health 6 (4), 309-312, 2014
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction rehabilitation clinical practice patterns: a survey of the PRiSM Society
EM Greenberg, ET Greenberg, J Albaugh, E Storey, TJ Ganley
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 7 (4), 2325967119839041, 2019
The development of humeral retrotorsion and its relationship to throwing sports
EM Greenberg, A Fernandez-Fernandez, JTR Lawrence, P McClure
Sports Health 7 (6), 489-496, 2015
Humeral retrotorsion and glenohumeral motion in youth baseball players compared with age-matched nonthrowing athletes
EM Greenberg, JTR Lawrence, A Fernandez-Fernandez, P McClure
The American journal of sports medicine 45 (2), 454-461, 2017
Rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament tears in children: a systematic review
JL Yellin, PD Fabricant, A Gornitzky, EM Greenberg, S Conrad, JA Dyke, ...
JBJS reviews 4 (1), e4, 2016
Rehabilitation considerations for all epiphyseal ACL reconstruction
EM Greenberg, J Albaugh, TJ Ganley, JTR Lawrence
International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 7 (2), 185, 2012
Physical and functional differences in youth baseball players with and without throwing-related pain
EM Greenberg, JTR Lawrence, A Fernandez-Fernandez, K Shah, ...
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 5 (11), 2325967117737731, 2017
Rehabilitation following isolated posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a literature review of published protocols
M Senese, E Greenberg, JT Lawrence, T Ganley
International journal of sports physical therapy 13 (4), 737, 2018
Uninjured youth athlete performance on single-leg hop testing: How many can achieve recommended return-to-sport criterion?
EM Greenberg, J Dyke, A Leung, M Karl, JT Lawrence, T Ganley
Sports Health 12 (6), 552-558, 2020
Changes in humeral retrotorsion and the development of little league shoulder: A case study
EM Greenberg, C Turner, C Huse, TJ Ganley, P McClure, JT Lawrence
Physical Therapy in Sport 34, 49-54, 2018
Defining limb dominance: A comparison of performance-based and Self-selected Measures
A Leung, E Greenberg, J Dyke, JT Lawrence, T Ganley
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 9 (7_suppl3), 2325967121S00052, 2021
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rehabilitation for the 10-to 18-Year-Old Adolescent Athlete: Practice Guidelines Based on International Delphi Consensus
N van Melick, M Dietvorst, MIAM van Oort, RLA Claessens, RPA Janssen, ...
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 11 (7), 23259671231172454, 2023
Differences in the course of rehabilitation and outcomes for publicly insured pediatric patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
E Greenberg, L Butler, N Giampetruzzi, M Link, V Prati, A Weaver, ...
Physical Therapy in Sport 58, 52-57, 2022
Hip joint capsule disruption in a young female gymnast
E Greenberg, L Wells
journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 40 (11), 761-761, 2010
Postoperative Strength Differences at Short-Term Follow-Up Vary Based on Autograft Harvest Site After Adolescent Transphyseal Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
JT Bram, AC Stevens, E Greenberg, CJ DeFrancesco, I Gans, RL Parisien, ...
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 40 (5), 1591-1598, 2024
Rehabilitation After Pediatric and Adolescent Knee Injuries
JT Molony, EM Greenberg, AP Weaver, M Racicot, D Merkel, C Zwolski
Clinics in Sports Medicine 41 (4), 687-705, 2022
Rt-acl: Identification of high-risk youth patients and their most significant risk factors to reduce anterior cruciate ligament reinjury risk
A Watson, P Lu, E Greenberg, JTR Lawrence, TJ Ganley, I Lee, J Weimer
2021 IEEE/ACM Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and …, 2021
Understanding Youth Athlete Motivation, Training, and Activity Progression During and After the COVID-19 Sports Interruption
E Greenberg, E Greenberg, JT Lawrence, T Ganley
International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 17 (7), 1396, 2022
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Articles 1–20