Dr. Saleem Malik S
Dr. Saleem Malik S
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, PACE, Manglore
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Cited by
Preventing premature convergence in genetic algorithm using DGCA and elitist technique
S Malik, S Wadhwa
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software …, 2014
Sample coin recognition system using artificial neural network on static image dataset
S Malik, P Bajaj, M Kaur
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software …, 2014
Implementation of high performance DUC and DDC for software defined radio applications
SMalik, GB Maruthi, SPP Kumar, MS Pratap
International journal of computer applications 110 (6), 2015
DT-CWT: Feature level image fusion based on dual-tree complex wavelet transform
SS Malik, SPP Kumar, GB Maruthi
International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems …, 2014
Feature level image fusion
SS Malik, BJ Shivprasad, GB Maruthi, J Kuriakose, V Amruth
Proc. Int. Conf., Emerg. Res. Comput., Inf., Commun. Appl.(ERCICA), 566-574, 2013
New technologies for discovery
Z Ahmed, A Apresyan, M Artuso, P Barry, E Bielejec, F Blaszczyk, T Bose, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.00194, 2019
Enhancing student success prediction with featurex: a fusion voting classifier algorithm with hybrid feature selection
S Malik, K Jothimani
Education and Information Technologies 29 (7), 8741-8791, 2024
COCOMO model Coefficients Optimization Using GA and ACO
AS Vishali, S Malik
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software …, 2014
The influence of high fat diet on the proteinuria in puromycin induced nephrotic syndrome in rats
NM Pavlovic, S Malik, MK Chan, Z Varghese, JW Persaud, JF Moorhead
Clinical Science 66 (2), 26P-26P, 1984
Blood transfusion for renal transplantation: benefits and risks
JF Moorhead, MK Chan, F El-Malik, S Malik, M Raftery, RA Baillod, ...
Kidney international. Supplement, 20-3, 1983
A Hybrid Weight based Feature Selection Algorithm for Predicting Students’ Academic Advancement by Employing Data Science Approaches
SM Ujwal U.J
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering (IJEME) 13 (5 …, 2023
A comparative analysis to measure scholastic success of students using data science methods
S Malik, K Jothimani, UJ Ujwal
Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications …, 2022
Polynomial time learner for inferring subclasses of internal contextual grammars with local maximum selectors
A Midya, DG Thomas, S Malik, AK Pani
Theoretical Aspects of Computing–ICTAC 2017: 14th International Colloquium …, 2017
Coin Recognition System using Artificial Neural Network on Static Image Dataset-A Review
S Malik, P Bajaj, M Kaur
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software …, 2013
Hybrid raven roosting intelligence framework for enhancing efficiency in data clustering
S Malik, SGK Patro, C Mahanty, A Lasisi, OJ Al-Sareji
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 20163, 2024
Arbitrator miniature: A paradigm using data science methods to predict academic performance
S Malik
Polynomial time algorithm for inferring subclasses of parallel internal column contextual array languages
A Midya, DG Thomas, AK Pani, S Malik, S Bhatnagar
Combinatorial Image Analysis: 18th International Workshop, IWCIA 2017 …, 2017
Fusion Based Image Enhancement of Satellite Data.
G Penchalaiah, SS Malik
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software …, 2015
MutaSwarmClus: enhancing data clustering efficiency with mutation-enhanced swarm algorithm
S Malik, SGK Patro, C Mahanty, A Lasisi, OJ Al-sareji
Cluster Computing 28 (3), 188, 2025
Hybrid Data Science Approaches to Predict the Academic Performance of Students
S Malik, S Malik
International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information …, 2023
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Articles 1–20