Krystyna Swiderska
Krystyna Swiderska
Principal Researcher, IIED
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An agenda for ethics and justice in adaptation to climate change
MF Byskov, K Hyams, P Satyal, I Anguelovski, L Benjamin, S Blackburn, ...
Climate and Development 13 (1), 1-9, 2021
The governance of nature and the nature of governance: policy that works for biodiversity and livelihoods
K Swiderska
IIED, 2008
Biodiversity, climate change and poverty: exploring the links
H Reid, K Swiderska
Indigenous peoples’ food systems and biocultural heritage: Addressing indigenous priorities using decolonial and interdisciplinary research approaches
K Swiderska, A Argumedo, C Wekesa, L Ndalilo, Y Song, A Rastogi, ...
Sustainability 14 (18), 11311, 2022
The role of traditional knowledge and crop varieties in adaptation to climate change and food security in SW China, Bolivian Andes and coastal Kenya
K Swiderska, H Reid, Y Song, J Li, D Mutta, P Ongugo, M Pakia, R Oros, ...
Protecting traditional knowledge: a framework based on customary laws and bio-cultural heritage
K Swiderska
IIED: London, UK, 2006
Banishing the biopirates: a new approach to protecting traditional knowledge
K Swiderska
Gatekeeper series/International Institute for Environment and Development …, 2006
Adapting agriculture with traditional knowledge
K Swiderska, H Reid, Y Song, J Li, D Mutta
Protecting community rights over traditional knowledge: Implications of customary laws and practices
K Swiderska
PLA 65–Biodiversity and Culture: exploring community protocols, rights, and consent
K Swiderska, A Milligan, K Kohli, H Jonas, H Shrumm, W Hiemstra, ...
London: International Institute for Environment and Development, 2012
Speaking in tongues: indigenous participation in the development of a sui generis regime to protect traditional knowledge in Peru
B Tobin
IIED, 2001
Stakeholder participation in policy on access to genetic resources, traditional knowledge and benefit-sharing: case studies and recommendations
K Swiderska
IIED, 2001
Implementing the Rio Conventions: implications for the south
K Swiderska
International Institute for Environment and Development., 2002
Protecting indigenous cultures is crucial for saving the world’s biodiversity
K Swiderska
International Institute for Environment and Development. February 18, 2020
Stakeholder Dialogues on Sustainable Development Strategies: Lessons, opportunities and developing country case studies
DB Dalal-Clayton, K Swiderska, S Bass
International Institute for Environment and Development, 2002
Protecting traditional knowledge: a holistic approach based on customary laws and bio-cultural heritage
K Swiderska
Conserving and valuing ecosystem services and biodiversity, 331-342, 2012
Mainstreaming biodiversity in development policy and planning: A review of country experience
K Swiderska
Biodiversity and Livelihoods Group International Institute for Environment …, 2002
Implementing farmers rights under the FAO International Treaty on PGRFA: The need for a broad approach based on biocultural heritage
A Argumedo, K Swiderska, M Pimbert, Y Song, R Pant
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), 2011
Developing the Philippines' Executive Order No. 247 on access to genetic resources
K Swiderska
IIED, 2001
South Africa's experience in developing a policy on biodiversity and access to genetic resources
R Wynberg, K Swiderska
IIED, 2001
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Articles 1–20