Silas Steven Mirau
Cited by
Cited by
Time series forecasting of solid waste generation in Arusha city-Tanzania
A Mwenda, D Kuznetsov, S Mirau
Mathematical Theory and Modeling 4 (8), 29-39, 2014
Mathematical modeling of COVID-19 transmission dynamics between healthcare workers and community
L Masandawa, SS Mirau, IS Mbalawata
Results in Physics 29, 104731, 2021
Modeling and stability analysis for a varicella zoster virus model with vaccination
S Edward, D Kuznetsov, S Mirau
Applied and Computational Mathematics 3 (4), 150-162, 2014
Mathematical modeling of vaccination as a control measure of stress to fight COVID-19 infections
JN Paul, IS Mbalawata, SS Mirau, L Masandawa
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 166, 112920, 2023
Mathematical modelling and analysis of corruption dynamics with control measures in Tanzania
O Danford, M Kimathi, S Mirau
Journal of Mathematics and Informatics, 2020
Analysis of the irrigation water price in rice production Tanzania
A Michael, D Kuznetsov, S Mirau
Appl. Comput. Math 3 (4), 177-185, 2014
Human-wildlife conflict early warning system using the internet of things and short message service
EK Ronoh, S Mirau, MA Dida
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 12 (2), 8273-8277, 2022
Mathematical model to assess the impacts of aflatoxin contamination in crops, livestock and humans
FA Mgandu, S Mirau, N Nyerere, E Mbega, F Chirove
Scientific African 23, e01980, 2024
Time series and ensemble models to forecast banana crop yield in Tanzania, considering the effects of climate change
S Patrick, S Mirau, I Mbalawata, J Leo
Resources, Environment and Sustainability 14, 100138, 2023
Mathematical Approach to Investigate Stress due to Control Measures to Curb COVID‐19
JN Paul, SS Mirau, IS Mbalawata
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2022 (1), 7772263, 2022
Estimation of irrigation water demand in rice production Tanzania
A Michael, D Kuznetsov, S Mirau
Mathematical Theory Model 4 (7), 24-39, 2014
Fuzzy modelling on the depletion of forest biomass and forest-dependent wildlife population
IM Fanuel, S Mirau, M Mayengo, F Moyo
Franklin Open 4, 100033, 2023
Modeling nosocomial infection of COVID-19 transmission dynamics
L Masandawa, SS Mirau, IS Mbalawata, JN Paul, K Kreppel, OM Msamba
Results in physics 37, 105503, 2022
Analyzing the impact of historical data length in non-seasonal ARIMA models forecasting
A Mwenda, D Kuznetsov, S Mirau
Mathematical Theory and modeling 5 (10), 77-85, 2015
Analysis and simulation of 3-D advection diffusion reaction model for pollutant dispersion
F Zahor, W Charles, S Mirau
Journal of Scientific Research and Studies 1 (2), 9-16, 2014
Optimal control and cost effectiveness analysis of contamination associated with aflatoxins in maize kernels, livestock and humans
FA Mgandu, S Mirau, N Nyerere, F Chirove
Results in control and optimization 13, 100313, 2023
Design of a passenger security and safety system for the Kayoola EVs Bus
I Koojo, D Machuve, S Mirau, SP Miyingo
2021 IEEE AFRICON, 1-6, 2021
Fuzzy Bayesian inference for under-five mortality data
MK Mwanga, SS Mirau, JM Tchuenche, IS Mbalawata
Franklin Open 8, 100163, 2024
Conservation of forest biomass and forest–dependent wildlife population: Uncertainty quantification of the model parameters
IM Fanuel, S Mirau, D Kajunguri, F Moyo
Heliyon 9 (6), 2023
Warehouse management system enhancement: a case study of ATOZ textiles limited
B Mbunda, D Machuve, S Mirau
2021 IEEE AFRICON, 1-5, 2021
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Articles 1–20