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Determination of soil infiltration rate equation based on soil properties using multiple linear regression
D Harisuseno, EN Cahya
Journal of Water and Land Development, 77-88, 2020
Pengelolaan drainase secara terpadu untuk pengendalian genangan di kawasan Sidokare Kabupaten Sidoarjo
DE Guntoro, D Harisuseno, EN Cahya
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan 8 (1), 60-71, 2017
Analisa Limpasan Berdasarkan Curah Hujan Menggunakan Model Artifical Neural Network (Ann) Di Sub Das Brantas Hulu
E Suhartanto, EN Cahya, L Maknun
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering 10 (2), 134-144, 2019
Evaluation of fly ash as supplementary cementitious material to the mechanical properties of recycled aggregate pervious concrete
E Arifi, EN Cahya
GEOMATE Journal 18 (66), 44-49, 2020
Pengendalian erosi dan sedimen dengan arahan konservasi lahan di DAS Genting Kabupaten Ponorogo
Q Dianasari, U Andawayanti, EN Cahya
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan 9 (2), 95-104, 2018
Recycled porous concrete effectiveness for filtration material on wastewater treatment
EN Cahya, E Arifi, R Haribowo
GEOMATE Journal 18 (70), 209-214, 2020
Studi Manajemen Proyek Rehabilitasi Daerah Irigasi Domas Kabupaten Pasuruan Menggunakan Metode Crashing dan Fasttrack
AP Putra, EN Cahya, J Sidqi
vol 2, 222-233, 2022
Effect of fly ash on the strength of porous concrete using recycled coarse aggregate to replace low-quality natural coarse aggregate
E Arifi, EN Cahya
AIP Conference Proceedings 1887 (1), 2017
Analisa Kapasitas Tampung Saluran Drainase Akibat Pengaruh Limpasan Permukaan Kecamatan Kota Sumenep
E Resmani, U Andawayanti, EN Cahya
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering 8 (2), 214-221, 2017
Seismic response behavior using static pushover analysis and dynamic analysis of half-through steel arch bridge under strong earthquakes
チャハヤエフィ ヌル, 山尾敏孝, 葛西昭
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) 5 (1), 73-88, 2014
Land conservation based on erosion and sedimentation rate (case study of Genting Watershed Ponorogo Regency)
RD Lufira, U Andawayanti, EN Cahya, Q Dianasari
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 126, 103143, 2022
Studi Pengaruh Sifat Fisik Tanah Terhadap Karakteristik Laju Infiltrasi
D Harisuseno, EN Cahya, RL Puspitasari
Jurnal Tanah Dan Iklim 43 (2), 1-7, 2019
Implementasi 6D Building Information Modelling (BIM) pada Saluran Pengelak Bendungan Margatiga dengan Aplikasi Civil 3D dan HEC-RAS 2D
MF Fawji, EN Cahya, V Dermawan
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering 13 (1), 63-74, 2022
Kajian Hidrolika Aliran Bangunan Pelimpah Samping (Side Channel Spillway) Bendungan Beringin Sila Kabupaten Sumbawa
N Aulia, V Dermawan, EN Cahya
J. Teknol. dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air 1 (2), 711-721, 2021
The Influence of Various Materials to the Void Ratio of Pervious Concrete
E Arifi, EN Cahya, D Setyowulan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 437 (1), 012016, 2020
Integrated Urban Drainage Management for Flood Inundation Controlling in Sidokare Area at Sidoarjo Regency
EN Cahya, DE Guntoro, D Harisuseno
Analisis Reduksi Genangan pada Saluran Drainase di Pesisir Kota Palu yang Berwawasan Lingkungan
II Romadona, U Andawayanti, EN Cahya
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan 10 (1), 39-50, 2019
Studi Perencanaan Terowongan Pengelak Bendungan Lubuk Ambacang Kecamatan Hulu Kuantan Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Provinsi Riau
CY Wicaksana
Universitas Brawijaya, 2018
The performance of novel polymer mortar containing vinyl ester resin reinforced by fly ash and iron sand under compressive, tensile, dan flexural test
T Rochman, E Arifi, EN Cahya, AM Wicaksono
Journal of Building Engineering 76, 107205, 2023
Studi Manajemen Konstruksi Proyek Pembangunan Bendungan Temef Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan
MO Geraldine, PT Juwono, EN Cahya
Jurnal Teknologi Dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air 3 (2), 490-499, 2023
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