Todd J. Moss
Todd J. Moss
Founder and Executive Director, Energy for Growth Hub
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Cited by
An aid-institutions paradox? A review essay on aid dependency and state building in sub-Saharan Africa
TJ Moss, G Pettersson Gelander, N Van de Walle
Center for Global Development working paper, 11-05, 2006
The trouble with the MDGs: confronting expectations of aid and development success
MA Clemens, CJ Kenny, TJ Moss
World development 35 (5), 735-751, 2007
African development: making sense of the issues and actors
TJ Moss, D Resnick
Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2018
Oil-to-cash: Fighting the resource curse through cash transfers
T Moss
Yale J. Int'l Aff. 6, 43, 2011
Stock markets in Africa: emerging lions or white elephants?
CJ Kenny, TJ Moss
World development 26 (5), 829-843, 1998
The ghost of 0.7 per cent: origins and relevance of the international aid target
MA Clemens, TJ Moss
International Journal of Development Issues 6 (1), 3-25, 2007
China ExIm Bank and Africa: new lending, new challenges
T Moss, S Rose
Center for Global Development Notes 3, 2006
Costs and causes of Zimbabwe’s crisis
M Clemens, T Moss
Center for Global Development 20, 2005
Is Africa’s scepticism of foreign capital justified? Evidence from East African firm survey data
T Moss, V Ramachandran, MK Shah
Does foreign direct investment promote development, 337-366, 2005
Saving Ghana from its oil: The case for direct cash distribution
TJ Moss, L Young
Center for Global Development Working Paper, 2009
The global war on terror and US development assistance: USAID allocation by country, 1998-2005
TJ Moss, D Roodman, S Standley
Available at SSRN 1114154, 2005
Measuring “Reasonably Reliable” access to electricity services
J Ayaburi, M Bazilian, J Kincer, T Moss
The Electricity Journal 33 (7), 106828, 2020
No longer poor: Ghana’s new income status and implications of graduation from IDA
TJ Moss, S Majerowicz
Center for Global Development Working Paper, 2012
What’s wrong with the millennium development goals
M Clemens, T Moss
Center for Global Development Brief, 2005
US Policy and Democratisation in Africa: the limits of liberal universalism
TJ Moss
The Journal of Modern African Studies 33 (2), 189-209, 1995
The other costs of high debt in poor countries: growth, policy dynamics, and institutions
TJ Moss, HS Chiang
The World Bank, 2003
Compassionate conservatives or conservative compassionates? US political parties and bilateral foreign assistance to Africa
MP Goldstein, TJ Moss
Journal of Development Studies 41 (7), 1288-1302, 2005
IDA at 65: Heading toward Retirement or a Fragile Lease on Life?
TJ Moss, B Leo
Center for Global Development Working Paper, 2011
After the Big Push? Fiscal and institutional implications of large aid increases
TJ Moss, A Subramanian
Center for Global Development working paper, 2005
Adventure Capitalism: Globalization and the political economy of stock markets in Africa
T Moss
Springer, 2003
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Articles 1–20