Ary Hoffmann
Ary Hoffmann
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Climate change and evolutionary adaptation
AA Hoffmann, CM Sgrò
Nature 470 (7335), 479-485, 2011
Successful establishment of Wolbachia in Aedes populations to suppress dengue transmission
AA Hoffmann, BL Montgomery, J Popovici, I Iturbe-Ormaetxe, PH Johnson, ...
Nature 476 (7361), 454-457, 2011
Evolutionary genetics and environmental stress
AA Hoffmann, PA Parsons
Oxford University Press, 1990
The wMel Wolbachia strain blocks dengue and invades caged Aedes aegypti populations
T Walker, PH Johnson, LA Moreira, I Iturbe-Ormaetxe, FD Frentiu, ...
Nature 476 (7361), 450-453, 2011
Towards an integrated framework for assessing the vulnerability of species to climate change
SE Williams, LP Shoo, JL Isaac, AA Hoffmann, G Langham
PLoS biology 6 (12), e325, 2008
The broad footprint of climate change from genes to biomes to people
BR Scheffers, L De Meester, TCL Bridge, AA Hoffmann, JM Pandolfi, ...
Science 354 (6313), aaf7671, 2016
Adaptation of Drosophila to temperature extremes: bringing together quantitative and molecular approaches
AA Hoffmann, JG Sørensen, V Loeschcke
Journal of thermal Biology 28 (3), 175-216, 2003
Assessing species vulnerability to climate change
M Pacifici, WB Foden, P Visconti, JEM Watson, SHM Butchart, KM Kovacs, ...
Nature climate change 5 (3), 215-224, 2015
Limits to the adaptive potential of small populations
Y Willi, J Van Buskirk, AA Hoffmann
Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 37 (1), 433-458, 2006
Assessing the benefits and risks of translocations in changing environments: a genetic perspective
AR Weeks, CM Sgro, AG Young, R Frankham, NJ Mitchell, KA Miller, ...
Evolutionary Applications 4 (6), 709-725, 2011
Building evolutionary resilience for conserving biodiversity under climate change
CM Sgrò, AJ Lowe, AA Hoffmann
Evolutionary applications 4 (2), 326-337, 2011
Heritable variation and evolution under favourable and unfavourable conditions
AA Hoffmann, J Merilä
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 14 (3), 96-101, 1999
Genetic isolation by environment or distance: which pattern of gene flow is most common?
JP Sexton, SB Hangartner, AA Hoffmann
Evolution 68 (1), 1-15, 2014
Upper thermal limits in terrestrial ectotherms: how constrained are they?
AA Hoffmann, SL Chown, S Clusella‐Trullas
Functional Ecology 27 (4), 934-949, 2013
Rapid spread of an inherited incompatibility factor in California Drosophila
M Turelli, AA Hoffmann
Nature 353 (6343), 440-442, 1991
Revisiting the impact of inversions in evolution: from population genetic markers to drivers of adaptive shifts and speciation?
AA Hoffmann, LH Rieseberg
Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics 39 (1), 21-42, 2008
Influential passengers: inherited microorganisms and arthropod reproduction.
SL O'Neill, AA Hoffman, JH Werren
A reassessment of genetic limits to evolutionary change
MW Blows, AA Hoffmann
Ecology 86 (6), 1371-1384, 2005
Detecting genetic responses to environmental change
AA Hoffmann, Y Willi
Nature Reviews Genetics 9 (6), 421-432, 2008
Geographical limits to species-range shifts are suggested by climate velocity
MT Burrows, DS Schoeman, AJ Richardson, JG Molinos, A Hoffmann, ...
Nature 507 (7493), 492-495, 2014
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Articles 1–20