Iryna mikheenko
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Cited by
Involvement of hydrogenases in the formation of highly catalytic Pd(0) nanoparticles by bioreduction of Pd(II) using Escherichia coli mutant strains
K Deplanche, I Caldelari, IP Mikheenko, F Sargent, LE Macaskie
Microbiology 156 (9), 2630-2640, 2010
Dissecting the roles of Escherichia coli hydrogenases in biohydrogen production
MD Redwood, IP Mikheenko, F Sargent, LE Macaskie
FEMS microbiology letters 278 (1), 48-55, 2008
Sulphate-reducing bacteria, palladium and the reductive dehalogenation of chlorinated aromatic compounds
VS Baxter-Plant, IP Mikheenko, LE Macaskie
Biodegradation 14, 83-90, 2003
Bioaccumulation of Palladium by Desulfovibrio fructosivorans Wild-Type and Hydrogenase-Deficient Strains
IP Mikheenko, M Rousset, S Dementin, LE Macaskie
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74 (19), 6144-6146, 2008
Novel supported Pd hydrogenation bionanocatalyst for hybrid homogeneous/heterogeneous catalysis
NJ Creamer, IP Mikheenko, P Yong, K Deplanche, D Sanyahumbi, ...
Catalysis Today 128 (1-2), 80-87, 2007
Microbial synthesis of core/shell gold/palladium nanoparticles for applications in green chemistry
K Deplanche, ML Merroun, M Casadesus, DT Tran, IP Mikheenko, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 9 (72), 1705-1712, 2012
Catalytic activity of biomass-supported Pd nanoparticles: influence of the biological component in catalytic efficacy and potential application in ‘green’synthesis of fine …
K Deplanche, JA Bennett, IP Mikheenko, J Omajali, AS Wells, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 147, 651-665, 2014
Взаимодействие растений с техногенно загрязненной средой. Устойчивость. Фитоиндикация. Оптимизация.
ИИ Коршиков, ВС Котов, ИП Михеенко, АА Игнатенко, ЧЛ В.
Киев: Наукова думка, 1995
Today's wastes, tomorrow's materials for environmental protection
LE Macaskie, IP Mikheenko, P Yong, K Deplanche, AJ Murray, ...
Hydrometallurgy 104 (3-4), 483-487, 2010
Nanoparticles of palladium supported on bacterial biomass: new re-usable heterogeneous catalyst with comparable activity to homogeneous colloidal Pd in the Heck reaction
JA Bennett, IP Mikheenko, K Deplanche, IJ Shannon, J Wood, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 140, 700-707, 2013
Characterization of intracellular palladium nanoparticles synthesized by Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and Bacillus benzeovorans
JB Omajali, IP Mikheenko, ML Merroun, J Wood, LE Macaskie
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 17, 1-17, 2015
Biorefining of precious metals from wastes: an answer to manufacturing of cheap nanocatalysts for fuel cells and power generation via an integrated biorefinery?
P Yong, IP Mikheenko, K Deplanche, MD Redwood, LE Macaskie
Biotechnology letters 32, 1821-1828, 2010
Applications of bacterial hydrogenases in waste decontamination, manufacture of novel bionanocatalysts and in sustainable energy
LE Macaskie, VS Baxter-Plant, NJ Creamer, AC Humphries, IP Mikheenko, ...
Biochemical Society Transactions 33 (1), 76-79, 2005
Biomineralization: linking the fossil record to the production of high value functional materials
JR Lloyd, CI Pearce, VS Coker, RAD Pattrick, G Van Der Laan, R Cutting, ...
Geobiology 6 (3), 285-297, 2008
From bio-mineralisation to fuel cells: biomanufacture of Pt and Pd nanocrystals for fuel cell electrode catalyst
P Yong, M Paterson-Beedle, IP Mikheenko, LE Macaskie
Biotechnology letters 29, 539-544, 2007
Manufacture of stable palladium and gold nanoparticles on native and genetically engineered flagella scaffolds
K Deplanche, RD Woods, IP Mikheenko, RE Sockett, LE Macaskie
Biotechnology and bioengineering 101 (5), 873-880, 2008
The characteristics of rhizosphere microbes associated with plants in arsenic-contaminated soils from cattle dip sites
BK Chopra, S .Bhat, IP Mikheenko, Z Xu, Y Yang, X Luo, H Chen, ...
Science of The Total Environment 378 (3), 331-42, 2007
Synthesis of Pd/Ru Bimetallic Nanoparticles by Escherichia coli and Potential as a Catalyst for Upgrading 5-Hydroxymethyl Furfural Into Liquid Fuel Precursors
J Gomez-Bolivar, IP Mikheenko, RL Orozco, S Sharma, D Banerjee, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 10, 1276, 2019
Novel catalytically active Pd/Ru bimetallic nanoparticles synthesized by Bacillus benzeovorans
JB Omajali, J Gomez-Bolivar, IP Mikheenko, S Sharma, B Kayode, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 4715, 2019
Dehalogenation of chlorinated aromatic compounds using a hybrid bioinorganic catalyst on cells of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans
VS Baxter-Plant, IP Mikheenko, M Robson, SJ Harrad, LE Macaskie
Biotechnology letters 26, 1885-1890, 2004
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Articles 1–20