Yang Jiang
Cited by
Cited by
Enhanced fault detection and exclusion based on Kalman filter with colored measurement noise and application to RTK
Y Gao, Y Gao, B Liu, Y Jiang
Gps Solutions 25, 1-13, 2021
A linear Kalman filter-based integrity monitoring considering colored measurement noise
Y Gao, Y Jiang, Y Gao, G Huang
GPS solutions 25, 1-13, 2021
GNSS observation generation from smartphone android location API: Performance of existing apps, issues and improvement
F Zangenehnejad, Y Jiang, Y Gao
Sensors 23 (2), 777, 2023
GNSS precise positioning for smartphones based on the integration of factor graph optimization and solution separation
Y Jiang, Y Gao, W Ding, Y Gao
Measurement 203, 111924, 2022
Improving smartphone PPP and RTK performance using time-differenced carrier phase observations
F Zangenehnejad, Y Jiang, Y Gao
Proceedings of the 35th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite …, 2022
Improved attitude estimation accuracy by data fusion of a MEMS MARG sensor and a low-cost GNSS receiver
W Ding, Y Jiang, Z Lyu, B Liu, Y Gao
Measurement 194, 111019, 2022
Integrity monitoring of multi-constellation GNSS-based precise velocity determination in urban environments
Y Gao, Y Jiang, B Liu, Y Gao
Measurement 222, 113676, 2023
A new partial ambiguity resolution method based on modified solution separation and GNSS epoch-differencing
Y Jiang, W Ding, Y Gao, Y Gao
Journal of Geodesy 96 (11), 88, 2022
An improved ambiguity resolution algorithm for smartphone RTK positioning
Y Jiang, Y Gao, W Ding, F Liu, Y Gao
Sensors 23 (11), 5292, 2023
Solution separation-based integrity monitoring for RTK positioning with faulty ambiguity detection and protection level
Y Gao, Y Jiang, Y Gao, G Huang, Z Yue
GPS Solutions 27 (3), 140, 2023
A modified between‐receiver single‐difference‐based fault detection and exclusion algorithm for real‐time kinematic positioning
Y Gao, Y Gao, Y Jiang, B Liu
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 16 (8), 1269-1281, 2022
Real-time cascading PPP-WAR based on Kalman filter considering time-correlation
Y Jiang, Y Gao, P Zhou, Y Gao, G Huang
Journal of Geodesy 95 (6), 69, 2021
Development and testing of a real-time lowcost PPP and MEMS INS loosely coupled georeferencing system for small UAVs under challenging environments
Z Lyu, Y Jiang, W Ding, Y Gao
Proceedings of the 32nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite …, 2019
Small and low-cost navigation system for UAV-based emergency disaster response applications
Y Gao, Z Lyu, H Assilzadeh, Y Jiang
Proceedings of the 4th Joint International Symposium on Deformation …, 2019
Low-cost dual-antenna GNSS-based heading and pitch angles estimation considering baseline length constraint
W Ding, W Sun, H Yan, W Li, Y Jiang, Y Gao
Measurement 239, 115492, 2025
Tropospheric polynomial coefficients for real-time regional correction by Kalman filtering from multisource data
C Xu, Y Jiang, Y Gao, Y Yao
Geo-Spatial Information Science 27 (6), 2237-2256, 2024
An improved wide-lane ambiguity resolution method for kinematic smartphone positioning
Y Zhang, Y Jiang, Y Gao, S Guo, Y Gao
The Journal of Navigation, 1-17, 2024
Fast high accuracy kinematic smartphone positioning for location-based services
Y Gao, F Zangenehnej, Y Jiang, Y Zhang
Abstracts of the ICA 6, 67, 2023
High-accuracy absolute-position-aided code phase tracking based on RTK/INS deep integration in challenging static scenarios
Y Luo, LT Hsu, Y Jiang, B Liu, Z Zhang, Y Xiang, N El-Sheimy
Remote Sensing 15 (4), 1114, 2023
A linear Kalman filter-based integrity monitoring considering colored measurement noise
G Yuting, Y Jiang, Y Gao, H Guanwen
GPS Solutions 25 (2), 2021
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Articles 1–20