Jaromír Beneš
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Cited by
Origin and history of grasslands in Central Europe–a review
M Hejcman, P Hejcmanova, V Pavlů, J Beneš
Grass and Forage Science 68 (3), 345-363, 2013
A historical interactive landscape in the heart of Europe: the case of Bohemia
J Beneš, M Zvelebil
The Archaeology and Anthropology of Landscape, 73-93, 1999
Archaeobotany of the Old Prague Town defence system, Czech Republic: archaeology, macro-remains, pollen, and diatoms
J Beneš, J Kaštovský, R Kočárová, P Kočár, K Kubečková, P Pokorný, ...
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 11, 107-120, 2002
The synantropic landscape history of the Sumava Mountains(Czech side)
J Benes
Silva Gabreta, 237-241, 1996
Erosion and accumulation processes in the late holocene of Bohemia, in relation to prehistoric and medieval landscape occupation
J Beneš
Wither archaeology, 133-144, 1995
Origin and development of long-strip field patterns: A case study of an abandoned medieval village in the Czech Republic
P Houfková, J Bumerl, L Pospíšil, P Karlík, J Beneš, A Bernardová, ...
Catena 135, 83-91, 2015
Soubor militárií z počátku třicetileté války z Volarských šancí
J Beneš, F Kubů, J Torok
Archeologické rozhledy 47, 461-480, 1995
Archeologie a krajinná ekologie
V Brůna, J Beneš
Nadace projekt sever, 1994
Historical land-use in an abandoned mountain village in the Czech Republic is reflected by the Mg, P, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Zr, and Sr content in contemporary soils
MP Janovský, P Karlík, J Horák, L Šmejda, MA Opare, J Beneš, ...
Catena 187, 104347, 2020
Keramika, ornice a reliéf: výzkum polykulturního osídlení v Kozlech, o. Louny (SZ Čechy)
J Beneš
Archeologické rozhledy 50, 170-191, 1998
Neolitické sídliště v Hrdlovce-Lipticích
J Beneš
Archeologické rozhledy 43 (1), 29-46, 1991
Paleoparasitological Findings in Medieval and early Modern archaeological deposits from Hradební street, Chrudim, Czech Republic
J Bartošová, L., Ditrich, O., Beneš, J., Frolík, J., Musil
Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica – Natural Sciences in Archaeology 2, 27-38, 2011
New plants at Prague Castle and Hradčany in the Early Modern Period: a History of selected species
J Beneš, J. – Čulíková, V. – Kosňovská, J. – Frolík, J. – Matiášek
Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica – Natural Sciences in Archaeology 3, 103-114, 2011
Theorising Landscapes: the concept of the historical interactive landscape
M Zvelebil, J Beneš
Oxbow Books 3, 23-40, 1997
First direct evidence of broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum) in Central Europe
L Kučera, J Peška, P Fojtík, P Barták, P Kučerová, J Pavelka, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 4221-4227, 2019
Druhotné bezlesí - opomíjená složka biodiversity Šumavy - Secondary grassland - a neglected component of biodiversity in the Šumava Mts
K Prach, M Štech, J Beneš
Silva Gabreta 1, 243-247, 1996
Ancient landscape reconstruction in north Bohemia, Landscape and settlement programme
M Zvelebil, J Beneš, M Kuna
Památky archeologické 84, 93-95, 1993
Environmentální archeologie a kultura s lineární keramikou v Čechách – Environmental archaeology and LBK culture in Bohemia
J Beneš
Černá, E. – Kuljavceva Hlavová, J. (eds.) 2008: Archeologické výzkumy v …, 2008
Palaeoecology of the LBK: The Earliest Agriculturalist and Landscape of Bohemia
J Benes
LBK dialogues: studies in the formation of the Linear Pottery Culture 1304, 143, 2004
Les a bezlesí. Vývoj synantropizace české části Šumavy
J Beneš
Zlatá stezka. Sborník Prachatic¬kého muzea 3, 11-33, 1995
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Articles 1–20