Alejandro Erut
Alejandro Erut
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Cited by
Universal norm psychology leads to societal diversity in prosocial behaviour and development
BR House, P Kanngiesser, HC Barrett, T Broesch, S Cebioglu, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 4 (1), 36-44, 2020
Social norms and cultural diversity in the development of third-party punishment
BR House, P Kanngiesser, HC Barrett, S Yilmaz, AM Smith, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1925), 20192794, 2020
Developing cross-cultural data infrastructures (CCDIs) for research in cognitive and behavioral sciences
O Burger, L Chen, A Erut, FTK Fong, B Rawlings, CH Legare
Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (2), 565-585, 2023
El Espectro Métrico en el análisis musical
A Erut, F Wiman
Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Artes y Ciencias Musicales …, 2012
Quantifying quality: The impact of measures of school quality on children's academic achievement across diverse societies
BS Rawlings, HE Davis, A Anum, O Burger, L Chen, JCC Morales, ...
Developmental science 27 (5), e13434, 2024
Universal norm psychology leads to societal diversity in prosocial behaviour and development. Nature Human Behaviour, 4, 36-44
BR House, P Kanngiesser, HC Barrett, T Broesch, S Cebioglu, ...
El Espectro Métrico. Hacia una redefinición del concepto de comprensión musical
A Erut, F Wiman
Actas de la Segunda Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Argentina para las ciencias …, 2011
Lying about the future: Shuar-Achuar epistemic norms, predictions, and commitments
A Erut, KM Smith, HC Barrett
Cognition 239, 105552, 2023
La representación de la métrica en la música tonal. El espectro métrico
A Erut, F Wiman
Epistemus. Revista de estudios en música, cognición y cultura 3 (2), 31-49, 2015
Grouping Spectrum. Toward a redefinition of the concept of musical understanding
A Erut, F Wiman
Actas de la IX reunión Anual de la Associação Brasileira de Cognição & Artes …, 2012
Schools as cultural reproduction devices
FTK Fong, A Erut, CH Legare
Ethnicity, essentialism, and folk sociology among the Wichí of Northern Argentina
AS Erut
University of California, Los Angeles, 2017
Lying: an anthropological approach
AS Erut
University of California, Los Angeles, 2021
The role of implicit content for lie and truth judgments: A cross-cultural study
A Wiegmann, L Reins, M Mizumoto, A Erut, Q Li, S Orr
OSF, 2024
Theistic faith values across development and societies
A Erut, A Etz, J Peregrino, ZM Taylor, C Legare
OSF, 2023
Science knowledge across domains, development, and societies.
A Erut, A Etz, J Peregrino, ZM Taylor, C Legare
OSF, 2023
Children’s Scientific and Religious Thinking in Indonesia
B Jee, F Anggoro, C Legare, A Erut, J Peregrino
OSF, 2023
Coexistence of causal explanations of misfortune across development and populations
A Erut, A Etz, J Peregrino, ZM Taylor, C Legare
OSF, 2023
Assessments of Imitation and innovation across domains, development, and societies.
A Erut, A Etz, J Peregrino, C Legare, ZM Taylor
OSF, 2023
Children’s Scientific and Religious Thinking in Indonesia
F Anggoro, B Jee, J Peregrino, A Erut, C Legare
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45 (45), 2023
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Articles 1–20