Salvatore  Savasta
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Cited by
Ultrastrong coupling between light and matter
A Frisk Kockum, A Miranowicz, S De Liberato, S Savasta, F Nori
Nature Reviews Physics 1 (1), 19-40, 2019
Quantum plasmonics with quantum dot-metal nanoparticle molecules: influence of the Fano effect on photon statistics
A Ridolfo, O Di Stefano, N Fina, R Saija, S Savasta
Physical review letters 105 (26), 263601, 2010
Photon blockade in the ultrastrong coupling regime
A Ridolfo, M Leib, S Savasta, MJ Hartmann
Physical review letters 109 (19), 193602, 2012
Nanopolaritons: vacuum Rabi splitting with a single quantum dot in the center of a dimer nanoantenna
S Savasta, R Saija, A Ridolfo, O Di Stefano, P Denti, F Borghese
ACS nano 4 (11), 6369-6376, 2010
Resolution of gauge ambiguities in ultrastrong-coupling cavity quantum electrodynamics
O Di Stefano, A Settineri, V Macrì, L Garziano, R Stassi, S Savasta, F Nori
Nature Physics 15 (8), 803-808, 2019
Exploring light–matter interaction phenomena under ultrastrong coupling regime
S Gambino, M Mazzeo, A Genco, O Di Stefano, S Savasta, S Patane, ...
ACS Photonics 1 (10), 1042-1048, 2014
Spontaneous conversion from virtual to real photons in the ultrastrong-coupling regime
R Stassi, A Ridolfo, O Di Stefano, MJ Hartmann, S Savasta
Physical review letters 110 (24), 243601, 2013
Deterministic quantum nonlinear optics with single atoms and virtual photons
AF Kockum, A Miranowicz, V Macrì, S Savasta, F Nori
Physical Review A 95 (6), 063849, 2017
One photon can simultaneously excite two or more atoms
L Garziano, V Macrì, R Stassi, O Di Stefano, F Nori, S Savasta
Physical review letters 117 (4), 043601, 2016
Multiphoton quantum Rabi oscillations in ultrastrong cavity QED
L Garziano, R Stassi, V Macrì, AF Kockum, S Savasta, F Nori
Physical Review A 92 (6), 063830, 2015
Nonclassical radiation from thermal cavities in the ultrastrong coupling regime
A Ridolfo, S Savasta, MJ Hartmann
Physical Review Letters 110 (16), 163601, 2013
Quantum complementarity of microcavity polaritons
S Savasta, OD Stefano, V Savona, W Langbein
Physical review letters 94 (24), 246401, 2005
Nonperturbative dynamical Casimir effect in optomechanical systems: Vacuum Casimir-Rabi splittings
V Macrì, A Ridolfo, O Di Stefano, AF Kockum, F Nori, S Savasta
Physical Review X 8 (1), 011031, 2018
Output field-quadrature measurements and squeezing in ultrastrong cavity-QED
R Stassi, S Savasta, L Garziano, B Spagnolo, F Nori
New Journal of Physics 18 (12), 123005, 2016
Dissipation and thermal noise in hybrid quantum systems in the ultrastrong-coupling regime
A Settineri, V Macrí, A Ridolfo, O Di Stefano, AF Kockum, F Nori, ...
Physical Review A 98 (5), 053834, 2018
Ultrastrong light-matter coupling in electrically doped microcavity organic light emitting diodes
M Mazzeo, A Genco, S Gambino, D Ballarini, F Mangione, O Di Stefano, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (23), 2014
Ultrastrong coupling of plasmons and excitons in a nanoshell
A Cacciola, O Di Stefano, R Stassi, R Saija, S Savasta
ACS nano 8 (11), 11483-11492, 2014
Quantum nonlinear optics without photons
R Stassi, V Macrì, AF Kockum, O Di Stefano, A Miranowicz, S Savasta, ...
Physical Review A 96 (2), 023818, 2017
Many-Body and Correlation Effects on Parametric Polariton Amplification<? format?> in Semiconductor Microcavities
S Savasta, O Di Stefano, R Girlanda
Physical review letters 90 (9), 096403, 2003
Bright Polariton Coumarin‐Based OLEDs Operating in the Ultrastrong Coupling Regime
A Genco, A Ridolfo, S Savasta, S Patanè, G Gigli, M Mazzeo
Advanced Optical Materials 6 (17), 1800364, 2018
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Articles 1–20