Terumasa Tadano
Terumasa Tadano
Other names只野 央将
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Anharmonic force constants extracted from first-principles molecular dynamics: applications to heat transfer simulations
T Tadano, Y Gohda, S Tsuneyuki
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 (22), 225402, 2014
Implementation strategies in phonopy and phono3py
A Togo, L Chaput, T Tadano, I Tanaka
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 35 (35), 353001, 2023
Self-consistent phonon calculations of lattice dynamical properties in cubic with first-principles anharmonic force constants
T Tadano, S Tsuneyuki
Physical Review B 92 (5), 054301, 2015
Quantum crystal structure in the 250-kelvin superconducting lanthanum hydride
I Errea, F Belli, L Monacelli, A Sanna, T Koretsune, T Tadano, R Bianco, ...
Nature 578 (7793), 66-69, 2020
Impact of rattlers on thermal conductivity of a thermoelectric clathrate: a first-principles study
T Tadano, Y Gohda, S Tsuneyuki
Physical review letters 114 (9), 095501, 2015
Formation of a two-dimensional single-component correlated electron system and band engineering in the nickelate superconductor
Y Nomura, M Hirayama, T Tadano, Y Yoshimoto, K Nakamura, R Arita
Physical review B 100 (20), 205138, 2019
Quartic anharmonicity of rattlers and its effect on lattice thermal conductivity of clathrates from first principles
T Tadano, S Tsuneyuki
Physical review letters 120 (10), 105901, 2018
Effect of Van Hove singularities on high- superconductivity in
W Sano, T Koretsune, T Tadano, R Akashi, R Arita
Physical Review B 93 (9), 094525, 2016
First-principles lattice dynamics method for strongly anharmonic crystals
T Tadano, S Tsuneyuki
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 87 (4), 041015, 2018
First-principles study of phonon anharmonicity and negative thermal expansion in
Y Oba, T Tadano, R Akashi, S Tsuneyuki
Physical Review Materials 3 (3), 033601, 2019
RESPACK: An ab initio tool for derivation of effective low-energy model of material
K Nakamura, Y Yoshimoto, Y Nomura, T Tadano, M Kawamura, T Kosugi, ...
Computer Physics Communications 261, 107781, 2021
Terahertz electric-field-driven dynamical multiferroicity in SrTiO3
M Basini, M Pancaldi, B Wehinger, M Udina, V Unikandanunni, T Tadano, ...
Nature, 1-6, 2024
Materials design of dynamically stable layered nickelates
M Hirayama, T Tadano, Y Nomura, R Arita
Physical Review B 101 (7), 075107, 2020
Exploring diamondlike lattice thermal conductivity crystals via feature-based transfer learning
S Ju, R Yoshida, C Liu, S Wu, K Hongo, T Tadano, J Shiomi
Physical Review Materials 5 (5), 053801, 2021
First-principles phonon quasiparticle theory applied to a strongly anharmonic halide perovskite
T Tadano, WA Saidi
Physical Review Letters 129 (18), 185901, 2022
Interfacial embedding for high‐efficiency and stable methylammonium‐free perovskite solar cells with fluoroarene hydrazine
DB Khadka, Y Shirai, M Yanagida, T Tadano, K Miyano
Advanced Energy Materials 12 (38), 2202029, 2022
Luminescence fine structures in single lead halide perovskite nanocrystals: size dependence of the exciton–phonon coupling
K Cho, T Yamada, H Tahara, T Tadano, H Suzuura, M Saruyama, R Sato, ...
Nano Letters 21 (17), 7206-7212, 2021
Empirical interatomic potentials optimized for phonon properties
A Rohskopf, HR Seyf, K Gordiz, T Tadano, A Henry
npj Computational Materials 3 (1), 27, 2017
Anharmonicity Explains Temperature Renormalization Effects of the Band Gap in SrTiO3
YN Wu, WA Saidi, JK Wuenschell, T Tadano, P Ohodnicki, B Chorpening, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (7), 2518-2523, 2020
Ab initio prediction of structural phase-transition temperature of SrTiO3 from finite-temperature phonon calculation
T Tadano, S Tsuneyuki
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 127 (6), 404-408, 2019
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Articles 1–20