Chris Sturm
Chris Sturm
Felix-Bloch-Institut für Festkörperphysik, Universität Leipzig
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Raman tensor elements of β-Ga2O3
C Kranert, C Sturm, R Schmidt-Grund, M Grundmann
Scientific reports 6 (1), 35964, 2016
Whispering gallery mode lasing in zinc oxide microwires
C Czekalla, C Sturm, R Schmidt-Grund, B Cao, M Lorenz, M Grundmann
Applied physics letters 92 (24), 2008
All-optical phase modulation in a cavity-polariton Mach–Zehnder interferometer
C Sturm, D Tanese, HS Nguyen, H Flayac, E Galopin, A Lemaître, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3278, 2014
A practical, self‐catalytic, atomic layer deposition of silicon dioxide
J Bachmann, R Zierold, YT Chong, R Hauert, C Sturm, R Schmidt‐Grund, ...
Angewandte chemie international edition 47 (33), 6177-6179, 2008
Realization of a double-barrier resonant tunneling diode for cavity polaritons
HS Nguyen, D Vishnevsky, C Sturm, D Tanese, D Solnyshkov, E Galopin, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (23), 236601, 2013
Tin-assisted heteroepitaxial PLD-growth of κ-Ga2O3 thin films with high crystalline quality
M Kneiß, A Hassa, D Splith, C Sturm, H Von Wenckstern, T Schultz, ...
APL Materials 7 (2), 2019
Dielectric tensor of monoclinic Ga2O3 single crystals in the spectral range 0.5–8.5 eV
C Sturm, J Furthmüller, F Bechstedt, R Schmidt-Grund, M Grundmann
APL Materials 3 (10), 2015
Metal-insulator transition in Co-doped : Magnetotransport properties
Q Xu, L Hartmann, H Schmidt, H Hochmuth, M Lorenz, R Schmidt-Grund, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (20), 205342, 2006
Growth of β‐Ga2O3 on Al2O3 and GaAs using metal‐organic vapor‐phase epitaxy
V Gottschalch, K Mergenthaler, G Wagner, J Bauer, H Paetzelt, C Sturm, ...
physica status solidi (a) 206 (2), 243-249, 2009
Whispering gallery modes in zinc oxide micro‐and nanowires
C Czekalla, T Nobis, A Rahm, B Cao, J Zúñiga‐Pérez, C Sturm, ...
physica status solidi (b) 247 (6), 1282-1293, 2010
Ballistic propagation of exciton–polariton condensates in a ZnO-based microcavity
H Franke, C Sturm, R Schmidt-Grund, G Wagner, M Grundmann
New Journal of Physics 14 (1), 013037, 2012
Raman tensor formalism for optically anisotropic crystals
C Kranert, C Sturm, R Schmidt-Grund, M Grundmann
Physical review letters 116 (12), 127401, 2016
Dipole analysis of the dielectric function of color dispersive materials: Application to monoclinic
C Sturm, R Schmidt-Grund, C Kranert, J Furthmüller, F Bechstedt, ...
Physical Review B 94 (3), 035148, 2016
Luminescence and surface properties of MgxZn1− xO thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition
S Heitsch, G Zimmermann, D Fritsch, C Sturm, R Schmidt-Grund, ...
Journal of applied physics 101 (8), 2007
Observation of strong exciton–photon coupling at temperatures up to 410 K
C Sturm, H Hilmer, R Schmidt-Grund, M Grundmann
New Journal of Physics 11 (7), 073044, 2009
Epitaxial stabilization of single phase κ-(InxGa1− x) 2O3 thin films up to x= 0.28 on c-sapphire and κ-Ga2O3 (001) templates by tin-assisted VCCS-PLD
M Kneiß, A Hassa, D Splith, C Sturm, H Von Wenckstern, M Lorenz, ...
APL materials 7 (10), 2019
Magnetoresistance and anomalous Hall effect in magnetic ZnO films
Q Xu, L Hartmann, H Schmidt, H Hochmuth, M Lorenz, R Schmidt-Grund, ...
Journal of applied physics 101 (6), 2007
Structural, optical, and electrical properties of orthorhombic κ-(InxGa1− x) 2O3 thin films
A Hassa, H Von Wenckstern, D Splith, C Sturm, M Kneiß, V Prozheeva, ...
APL Materials 7 (2), 2019
Nonequilibrium polariton condensate in a magnetic field
C Sturm, D Solnyshkov, O Krebs, A Lemaître, I Sagnes, E Galopin, A Amo, ...
Physical Review B 91 (15), 155130, 2015
Voigt exceptional points in an anisotropic ZnO-based planar microcavity: square-root topology, polarization vortices, and circularity
S Richter, HG Zirnstein, J Zúñiga-Pérez, E Krüger, C Deparis, L Trefflich, ...
Physical Review Letters 123 (22), 227401, 2019
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Articles 1–20