Waleed Rida Murshid
Waleed Rida Murshid
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Growing skull fractures: classification and management
Naim-Ur-Rahman, ZAAB Jamjoom, AHB Jamjoom, WR Murshid
British Journal of Neurosurgery 8 (6), 667-679, 1994
Epidemiology, prenatal management, and prevention of neural tube defects
MA Salih, WR Murshid, MZ Seidahmed
Saudi medical journal 35 (Suppl 1), S15, 2014
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy: towards more indications for the treatment of non-communicating hydrocephalus
WR Murshid
min-Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 43 (02), 75-82, 2000
The incidence of bradycardia during endoscopic third ventriculostomy
AA El-Dawlatly, WR Murshid, A Elshimy, MA Magboul, A Samarkandi, ...
Anesthesia & Analgesia 91 (5), 1142-1144, 2000
Spina bifida in Saudi Arabia: is consanguinity among the parents a risk factor?
WR Murshid
Pediatric neurosurgery 32 (1), 10-12, 2000
Management of minor head injuries: admission criteria, radiological evaluation and treatment of complications
WR Murshid
Acta neurochirurgica 140, 56-64, 1998
Classification, clinical features, and genetics of neural tube defects
MA Salih, WR Murshid, MZ Seidahmed
Saudi medical journal 35 (Suppl 1), S5, 2014
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy for hydrocephalus in children younger than 1 year of age
EA Elgamal, AA El-Dawlatly, WR Murshid, SMF El-Watidy, ZAAB Jamjoom
Child's Nervous System 27, 111-116, 2011
Epidemiology of infantile hydrocephalus in Saudi Arabia: birth prevalence and associated factors
WR Murshid, JS Jarallah, MI Dad
Pediatric neurosurgery 32 (3), 119-123, 2000
The coagulopathy in acute head injury: comparison of cerebral versus peripheral measurements of haemostatic activation markers
WR Murshid, A Gader
British journal of neurosurgery 16 (4), 362-369, 2002
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy: a study of intracranial pressure vs. haemodynamic changes
AA El-Dawlatly, W Murshid, F El-Khwsky
min-Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 42 (04), 198-200, 1999
Role of skull radiography in the initial evaluation of minor head injury: A retrospective study
WR Murshid
Acta neurochirurgica 129, 11-14, 1994
Risk factors for neural tube defects in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia: Case-control study
MAM Salih, WR Murshid, AG Mohamed, LC Ignacio, JE de Jesus, ...
Sudanese journal of paediatrics 14 (2), 49, 2014
Tophaceous gout of the spine causing spinal cord compression
WR Murshid, TH Moss, DF Ettles, BH Cummins
British journal of neurosurgery 8 (6), 751-754, 1994
Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in the first year of life: case report and review of the literature
EA Elgamal, WR Murshid, HM Abu-Rahma, D Samir
Child's Nervous System 20, 489-493, 2004
Tethered cord syndrome: a study of 35 patients
KI Khoshhal, WR Murshid, EA Elgamal, MAM Salih
Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences 7 (1), 23-28, 2012
Novel and usual associations
MA Salih, WR Murshid, MM Al-Salman, AGM Abdel-Gader, AA Al-Jarallah, ...
Saudi Med J 27 (1), S69-S80, 2006
Agenesis of the corpus callosum associated with spinal open neural tube defect
EA Elgamal, SM Elwatidy, AF Alhabib, ZB Jamjoom, WR Murshid, ...
Saudi medical journal 35 (Suppl 1), S57, 2014
Anesthesia for third ventriculostomy. A report of 128 cases
A El-Dawlatly, E Elgamal, W Murshid, S Alwatidy, Z Jamjoom, A Alshaer
Middle East J Anesthesiol 19 (4), 847-857, 2008
Brain tumors in the first 2 years of life in Saudi Arabia
WR Murshid, E Siquiera, B Rahm, I Kanaan
Child's Nervous System 10, 430-432, 1994
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Articles 1–20