Sarah Huber
Cited by
Cited by
Students’ coping with the self-regulatory demand of crisis-driven digitalization in university mathematics instruction: do motivational and emotional orientations make a …
F Reinhold, C Schons, S Scheuerer, P Gritzmann, J Richter-Gebert, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 120 (3), 106732, 2021
The role of spatial, verbal, numerical, and general reasoning abilities in complex word problem solving for young female and male adults
F Reinhold, S Hofer, M Berkowitz, A Strohmaier, S Scheuerer, F Loch, ...
Mathematics Education Research Journal 32, 189-211, 2020
Analyzing prospective mathematics teachers’ diagnostic processes in a simulated environment
A Wildgans-Lang, S Scheuerer, A Obersteiner, F Fischer, K Reiss
ZDM 52 (2), 241-254, 2020
Analyzing students’ mental models of technical systems
B Vogel-Heuser, F Loch, S Hofer, EM Neumann, F Reinhold, S Scheuerer, ...
IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) 1, 1119 …, 2019
Relationship between in-service mathematics teachers' motivational and emotional orientations and knowledge in statistics
S Scheuerer, F Reinhold, K Reiss
Statistics education in the era of Data Science: Proceedings of the …, 2022
Learning to diagnose primary students’ mathematical competence levels and misconceptions in document-based simulations
A Wildgans-Lang, S Scheuerer, A Obersteiner, F Fischer, K Reiss
Learning to diagnose with simulations: Examples from teacher education and …, 2022
Einfluss motivational-emotionaler Orientierungen auf die Bewältigung selbstregulatorischer Anforderungen beim Lernen tertiärer Mathematik in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie …
F Reinhold, C Schons, S Scheuerer, P Gritzmann, J Richter-Gebert, ...
Bildung und Corona [Education and Corona], Proceedings of the Digital …, 2021
Teaching statistics with positive orientations but limited knowledge? Teacher's professional competence in statistics
S Huber, F Reinhold, A Obersteiner, K Reiss
Statistics Education Research Journal 23 (1), Article 2, 2024
Teachers’ profiles of content knowledge, motivational and emotional orientations in statistics
S Scheuerer, F Reinhold, A Obersteiner, KM Reiss
20th Biennial EARLI Conference, 2023
How Positive Is “Positive”? Teachers’ Orientations Regarding Teaching Statistics Compared to Teaching Fractions
S Scheuerer, F Reinhold, K Reiss
Bridging the Gap: Empowering and Educating Today’s Learners in Statistics …, 2022
PISA 2022: Mathematisches Argumentieren zwischen Deduktion und Induktion
KM Reiss, S Scheuerer
Arbeitskreistreffen des AK Stochastik der GDM, 2021
Selbstkonzepte zum Unterrichten von Statistik und Bruchrechnung bei Mathematiklehrkräften
S Scheuerer, F Reinhold, K Reiss
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2020, 1533, 2020
Studieneingangsvoraussetzungen von Studierenden des Gymnasiallehramts Mathematik-Erste Ergebnisse eines Projekts zur Verbesserung der universitären Ausbildung
S Scheuerer, F Reinhold, S Hofer, K Reiss
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2019, 689-692, 2019
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Articles 1–13