Felipe Lepe
Cited by
Cited by
A virtual element approximation for the pseudostress formulation of the Stokes eigenvalue problem
F Lepe, G Rivera
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 379, 113753, 2021
Symmetric and nonsymmetric discontinuous Galerkin methods for a pseudostress formulation of the Stokes spectral problem
F Lepe, D Mora
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 (2), A698-A722, 2020
A virtual element method for the Steklov eigenvalue problem allowing small edges
F Lepe, D Mora, G Rivera, I Velásquez
Journal of Scientific Computing 88, 1-21, 2021
Locking-free finite element method for a bending moment formulation of Timoshenko beams
F Lepe, D Mora, R Rodríguez
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 68 (3), 118-131, 2014
Mixed discontinuous Galerkin approximation of the elasticity eigenproblem
F Lepe, S Meddahi, D Mora, R Rodríguez
Numerische Mathematik 142 (3), 749-786, 2019
Mixed methods for the velocity-pressure-pseudostress formulation of the Stokes eigenvalue problem
F Lepe, G Rivera, J Vellojin
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 44 (3), A1358-A1380, 2022
Displacement‐pseudostress formulation for the linear elasticity spectral problem
D Inzunza, F Lepe, G Rivera
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 39 (3), 1996-2017, 2023
A priori error analysis for a mixed VEM discretization of the spectral problem for the Laplacian operator
F Lepe, G Rivera
Calcolo 58 (2), 20, 2021
Finite element analysis of a bending moment formulation for the vibration problem of a non-homogeneous Timoshenko beam
F Lepe, D Mora, R Rodríguez
Journal of Scientific Computing 66, 825-848, 2016
An optimal control problem for the Navier–Stokes equations with point sources
F Fuica, F Lepe, E Otárola, D Quero
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 196 (2), 590-616, 2023
VEM discretization allowing small edges for the reaction–convection–diffusion equation: source and spectral problems
F Lepe, G Rivera
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 57 (5), 3139-3164, 2023
A posteriori virtual element method for the acoustic vibration problem
F Lepe, D Mora, G Rivera, I Velásquez
Advances in Computational Mathematics 49 (1), 10, 2023
Error estimates for FEM discretizations of the Navier–Stokes equations with Dirac measures
F Lepe, E Otárola, D Quero
Journal of Scientific Computing 87, 1-23, 2021
A posteriori error estimates in W1, p× Lp spaces for the Stokes system with Dirac measures
F Fuica, F Lepe, E Otárola, D Quero
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 94, 47-59, 2021
Finite element analysis of the Oseen eigenvalue problem
F Lepe, G Rivera, J Vellojin
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 425, 116959, 2024
A virtual element method for the elasticity problem allowing small edges
D Amigo, F Lepe, G Rivera
Calcolo 60 (2), 28, 2023
Error estimates for a vorticity-based velocity–stress formulation of the Stokes eigenvalue problem
F Lepe, G Rivera, J Vellojin
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 420, 114798, 2023
A posteriori analysis for a mixed FEM discretization of the linear elasticity spectral problem
F Lepe, G Rivera, J Vellojin
Journal of Scientific Computing 93 (1), 10, 2022
Displacement-pseudostress formulation for the linear elasticity spectral problem: a priori analysis
D Inzunza, F Lepe, G Rivera
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.09828, 2021
A virtual element method for the elasticity spectral problem allowing for small edges
D Amigo, F Lepe, G Rivera
Journal of Scientific Computing 97 (3), 54, 2023
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Articles 1–20