Christine Hrenya
Christine Hrenya
Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado
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Effects of particle‐phase turbulence in gas‐solid flows
CM Hrenya, JL Sinclair
AIChE Journal 43 (4), 853-869, 1997
Comparison of soft-sphere models to measurements of collision properties during normal impacts
AB Stevens, CM Hrenya
Powder technology 154 (2-3), 99-109, 2005
Enskog theory for polydisperse granular mixtures. I. Navier-Stokes order transport
V Garzó, JW Dufty, CM Hrenya
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (3 …, 2007
Kinetic temperatures for a granular mixture
SR Dahl, CM Hrenya, V Garzó, JW Dufty
Physical Review E 66 (4), 041301, 2002
The clustering instability in rapid granular and gas-solid flows
WD Fullmer, CM Hrenya
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 49 (1), 485-510, 2017
Comparison of low Reynolds number k− ε turbulence models in predicting fully developed pipe flow
CM Hrenya, EJ Bolio, D Chakrabarti, JL Sinclair
Chemical Engineering Science 50 (12), 1923-1941, 1995
Enskog theory for polydisperse granular mixtures. II. Sonine polynomial approximation
V Garzó, CM Hrenya, JW Dufty
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (3 …, 2007
Experimental segregation profiles in bubbling gas‐fluidized beds
GG Joseph, J Leboreiro, CM Hrenya, AR Stevens
AIChE journal 53 (11), 2804-2813, 2007
Enskog kinetic theory for monodisperse gas–solid flows
V Garzó, S Tenneti, S Subramaniam, CM Hrenya
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 712, 129-168, 2012
Size segregation in gas–solid fluidized beds with continuous size distributions
SR Dahl, CM Hrenya
Chemical Engineering Science 60 (23), 6658-6673, 2005
On the role of non-equipartition in the dynamics of rapidly flowing granular mixtures
JE Galvin, SR Dahl, CM Hrenya
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 528, 207-232, 2005
Cluster characteristics of Geldart Group B particles in a pilot-scale CFB riser. I. Monodisperse systems
JW Chew, R Hays, JG Findlay, TM Knowlton, SBR Karri, RA Cocco, ...
Chemical engineering science 68 (1), 72-81, 2012
Simulations of heat transfer to solid particles flowing through an array of heated tubes
AB Morris, Z Ma, S Pannala, CM Hrenya
Solar Energy 130, 101-115, 2016
Direct numerical simulation of gas–solid suspensions at moderate Reynolds number: quantifying the coupling between hydrodynamic forces and particle velocity fluctuations
S Tenneti, R Garg, CM Hrenya, RO Fox, S Subramaniam
Powder Technology 203 (1), 57-69, 2010
Simulations of a binary-sized mixture of inelastic grains in rapid shear flow
R Clelland, CM Hrenya
Physical Review E 65 (3), 031301, 2002
Quantitative assessment of fine‐grid kinetic‐theory‐based predictions of mean‐slip in unbounded fluidization
WD Fullmer, CM Hrenya
AIChE Journal 62 (1), 11-17, 2016
Method of quantifying surface roughness for accurate adhesive force predictions
CQ LaMarche, S Leadley, P Liu, KM Kellogg, CM Hrenya
Chemical Engineering Science 158, 140-153, 2017
Axial segregation in bubbling gas‐fluidized beds with Gaussian and lognormal distributions of Geldart Group B particles
JW Chew, JR Wolz, CM Hrenya
AIChE journal 56 (12), 3049-3061, 2010
A conductive heat transfer model for particle flows over immersed surfaces
AB Morris, S Pannala, Z Ma, CM Hrenya
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 89, 1277-1289, 2015
The influence of binary drag laws on simulations of species segregation in gas-fluidized beds
J Leboreiro, GG Joseph, CM Hrenya, DM Snider, SS Banerjee, JE Galvin
Powder Technology 184 (3), 275-290, 2008
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Articles 1–20