Michał Rejdak
Michał Rejdak
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Evaluation of alternative refuse-derived fuel use as a valuable resource in various valorised applications
G Gałko, I Mazur, M Rejdak, B Jagustyn, J Hrabak, M Ouadi, H Jahangiri, ...
Energy 263, 125920, 2023
Mechanical compaction of coking coals for carbonization in stamp-charging coke oven batteries
M Rejdak, R Wasielewski
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing 51, 2015
Use of alternative raw materials in coke-making: New insights in the use of lignites for blast furnace coke production
M Rejdak, R Bigda, M Wojtaszek
Energies 13 (11), 2832, 2020
Research on the production of composite fuel on the basis of fine-grained coal fractions and biomass—The impact of process parameters and the type of binder on the quality of …
M Rejdak, J Robak, A Czardybon, K Ignasiak, P Fudała
Minerals 10 (1), 31, 2019
Evaluation of the applicability of polymeric materials to BTEX and fine product transformation by catalytic and non-catalytic pyrolysis as a part of the closed loop material …
G Gałko, M Rejdak, D Tercki, M Bogacka, M Sajdak
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 154, 105017, 2021
A study on bio-coke production—the influence of bio-components addition on coke-making blend properties
M Rejdak, M Wojtaszek-Kalaitzidi, G Gałko, B Mertas, T Radko, R Baron, ...
Energies 15 (18), 6847, 2022
Stamp-Charged Coke-Making Technology—The Effect of Charge Density and the Addition of Semi-Soft Coals on the Structural, Textural and Quality Parameters of Coke
M Rejdak, A Strugała, A Sobolewski
Energies 14 (12), 3401, 2021
Influence of selected factors of Polish coking coals on the Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI)
M Rejdak, T Micorek, JC Hower
International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization 41 (11), 789-802, 2021
Utilization of waste forest biomass: Pelletization studies of torrefied sawmill wood chips
M Rejdak, A Czardybon, K Ignasiak, J Robak
E3S Web of Conferences 100, 00068, 2019
Compaction studies of torrefied willow
M Rejdak, A Czardybon, K Ignasiak, A Sobolewski, J Robak
Journal of Ecological Engineering 18 (1), 183-192, 2017
The effect of coal charge preparation on coke quality
A Sobolewski, M Rejdak, A Czaplicki, M Janusz, A Mianowski
Przemysl Chemiczny 93 (12), 2103-2110, 2014
Evaluation of the Feasibility of Using TCR-Derived Chars from Selected Biomass Wastes and MSW Fractions in CO2 Sequestration on Degraded and Post …
M Sajdak, A Majewski, F Di Gruttola, G Gałko, E Misztal, M Rejdak, ...
Energies 16 (7), 2964, 2023
Bio-coke for manganese alloy production
M Ksiazek, N Smitch-Hansen, MÅ Rejdak, R Baron, SY Larsen, S Bao
2022-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit 11, 171-188, 2022
Stamp-charged coke-making technology—An empirical model for prediction of coal charge density for stamp charging coke oven batteries
M Rejdak, G Gałko, M Sajdak, A Wieczorek
Energies 15 (24), 9440, 2022
Industrial tests of co-pyrolysis solid recovered fuel (SRF) and hard coal
M Rejdak, R Wasielewski
Archives of Waste Management and Environmental Protection 15 (1), 2013
Proces grafityzacji obmurza komór koksowniczych, jako jedno z potencjalnych źródeł jego degradacji
M Rejdak, G Nowicki, J Mytych
Karbo, 2012
The study of influence of fine coal fraction addition to coking blend and its partial briquetting on coke quality parameters
M Rejdak, P Pawłowski, A Rodź, K Ignasiak, I Helt
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 641 (1), 012019, 2019
Coal micronization studies in vibrating mill in terms of coal water slurry (CWS) fuel preparation
J Robak, K Ignasiak, M Rejdak
Journal of Ecological Engineering 18 (2), 111-118, 2017
Koksowanie węgla metodą wsadu ubijanego-stan aktualny i perspektywy rozwoju
M Rejdak, R Wasielewski
karbo 2, 2012
Study on low and medium-temperature carbonization of biomass
A Czardybon, K Ignasiak, M Rejdak, A Sobolewski
Przemysl Chemiczny 96 (11), 2265-2271, 2017
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Articles 1–20