Denis Ryabov
Denis Ryabov
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Properties of discrete breathers in graphane from ab initio simulations
GM Chechin, SV Dmitriev, IP Lobzenko, DS Ryabov
Physical Review B 90 (4), 045432, 2014
Stability of low-dimensional bushes of vibrational modes in the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam chains
GM Chechin, DS Ryabov, KG Zhukov
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 203 (3-4), 121-166, 2005
Nonlinear vibrational modes in graphene: group-theoretical results
G Chechin, D Ryabov, S Shcherbinin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1601.05200, 2016
Delocalized nonlinear vibrational modes in graphene: second harmonic generation and negative pressure
EA Korznikova, SA Shcherbinin, DS Ryabov, GM Chechin, EG Ekomasov, ...
physica status solidi (b) 256 (1), 1800061, 2019
Nonlinear normal mode interactions in the molecule studied with the aid of density functional theory
G Chechin, D Ryabov, S Shcherbinin
Physical Review E 92 (1), 012907, 2015
Delocalized nonlinear vibrational modes of triangular lattices
DS Ryabov, GM Chechin, A Upadhyaya, EA Korznikova, VI Dubinko, ...
Nonlinear Dynamics 102, 2793-2810, 2020
Large-amplitude in-plane atomic vibrations in strained graphene monolayer: bushes of nonlinear normal modes
G Chechin, D Ryabov, S Shcherbinin
Letters on materials 7 (4), 367-372, 2017
Three-dimensional chaotic flows with discrete symmetries
GM Chechin, DS Ryabov
Physical Review E 69 (3), 036202, 2004
Large-amplitude periodic atomic vibrations in diamond
G Chechin, D Ryabov, S Shcherbinin
Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics 3 (01n02), 1850002, 2018
Stability of nonlinear normal modes in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam β chain in the thermodynamic limit
GM Chechin, DS Ryabov
Physical Review E 85 (5), 056601, 2012
Stability of nonlinear normal modes in the FPU-β chain in the thermodinamic limit
GM Chechin, DS Ryabov
One-component delocalized nonlinear vibrational modes of square lattices
DS Ryabov, GM Chechin, EK Naumov, YV Bebikhov, EA Korznikova, ...
Nonlinear Dynamics 111, 8135–8153, 2023
Bushes of normal modes as exact excitations in nonlinear dynamical systems with discrete symmetry
GM Chechin, DS Ryabov, VP Sakhnenko
Nonlinear Phenomena Research Perspectives, eds. by Wang, CW Nova Science …, 2007
Stability of in-plane delocalized vibrational modes in triangular Morse lattice
DU Abdullina, MN Semenova, AS Semenov, DS Ryabov, GM Chechin, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 447 (1), 012060, 2018
Exact solutions of nonlinear dynamical equations for large-amplitude atomic vibrations in arbitrary monoatomic chains with fixed ends
G Chechin, D Ryabov
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 120, 107176, 2023
Introduction to the theory of bushes of nonlinear normal modes for studying large-amplitude atomic vibrations in systems with discrete symmetry
GM Chechin, DS Ryabov
Letters on Materials 10 (4), 523-534, 2020
Некоторые характеристики одномерных делокализованных нелинейных колебательных мод треугольной решетки с морзевским взаимодействием
МН Семёнова, АС Семёнов, ДС Рябов, ГМ Чечин, ЕА Корзникова, ...
Ультрамелкозернистые и наноструктурные материалы, 220, 2018
Некоторые характеристики одномерных делокализованных нелинейных колебательных мод треугольной решетки с морзевским взаимодействием
МН Семёнова, АС Семёнов, ЮВ Бебихов, ДС Рябов, ГМ Чечин, ...
Фундаментальные проблемы современного материаловедения 15 (2), 257-264, 2018
Two-dimensional discrete breathers in hcp titanium
OV Bachurina, RT Murzaev, MN Semenova, AS Semenov, DS Ryabov, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 447 (1), 012033, 2018
Исследование устойчивости одномерных и двумерных бушей колебательных мод для цепочек Ферми-Пасты-Улама
КГ Жуков, ДС Рябов, ГМ Чечин
Электронный журнал «Исследовано в России» 161, 1945-1964, 2003
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Articles 1–20