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Cited by
epiDMS: data management and analytics for decision-making from epidemic spread simulation ensembles
S Liu, S Poccia, KS Candan, G Chowell, ML Sapino
The Journal of infectious diseases 214 (suppl_4), S427-S432, 2016
Assessing the potential impact of vector-borne disease transmission following heavy rainfall events: a mathematical framework
G Chowell, K Mizumoto, JM Banda, S Poccia, C Perrings
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374 (1775), 20180272, 2019
Partitioning of ontologies driven by a structure-based approach
F Amato, A De Santo, V Moscato, F Persia, A Picariello, SR Poccia
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Semantic …, 2015
On the effectiveness of distance measures for similarity search in multi-variate sensory data: Effectiveness of distance measures for similarity search
Y Garg, SR Poccia
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on International Conference on Multimedia …, 2017
Robust multi-variate temporal features of multi-variate time series
S Liu, SR Poccia, KS Candan, ML Sapino, X Wang
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2018
SIMDMS: Data management and analysis to support decision making through large simulation ensembles
SR Poccia, ML Sapino, L Sicong, C Xilun, G Yash, H Shengyu, HK Jung, ...
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Extending Database …, 2017
Content-based multimedia retrieval
F Amato, L Greco, F Persia, SR Poccia, A De Santo
Data Management in Pervasive Systems, 291-310, 2015
Semtree: An index for supporting semantic retrieval of documents
F Amato, A De Santo, F Gargiulo, V Moscato, F Persia, A Picariello, ...
2015 31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, 62-67, 2015
Datastorm-FE: A data-and decision-flow and coordination engine for coupled simulation ensembles
HW Behrens, KS Candan, X Chen, A Gadkari, Y Garg, ML Li, X Li, S Liu, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 11 (12), 2018
CA-Smooth: content adaptive smoothing of time series leveraging locally salient temporal features
R Rossini, S Poccia, KS Candan, ML Sapino
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Management of Digital …, 2019
SMM: Leveraging metadata for contextually salient multi-variate motif discovery
SR Poccia, KS Candan, ML Sapino
Applied Sciences 11 (22), 10873, 2021
epiDMS: data management and analytics for decision-making from epidemic spread simulation ensembles.
LSC Liu SiCong, S Poccia, KS Candan, G Chowell, ML Sapino
A structure-based approach for ontology partitioning.
F Amato, A De Santo, V Moscato, F Persia, A Picariello, SR Poccia, ...
SEBD, 184-191, 2015
23rd Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems
F Amato, AD Santo, V Moscato, F Persia, A Picariello, SR Poccia, G Sperlì
A structure-based approach for ontology partitioning., 184-191, 2015
Finding unexplained human behaviors in Social Networks
F Persia, SR Poccia, F Amato, F Gargiulo, A De Santo
Finding unexplained human behaviors in Social Networks., 89-96, 2014
Un'Interfaccia per il Monitoraggio dei guasti in un'applicazione per il Controllo del Traffico Aereo
R Natella, SR Poccia
CADSA 2015
F Persia, D D'Auria, D Amalfitano, A de Santo, G Sperlì, S Pelosi, A Maisto, ...
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