Matías Schierenbeck
Matías Schierenbeck
Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Researcher (IPK Gatersleben, Germany) PhD (Wheat Ecophysiology)
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How Foliar Fungal Diseases Affect Nitrogen Dynamics, Milling, and End-Use Quality of Wheat
M Simón M.R, Fleitas M.C, Castro A.C, Schierenbeck
Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 23, 2020
Evaluation of different fungicides and nitrogen rates on grain yield and bread-making quality in wheat affected by Septoria tritici blotch and yellow spot
AC Castro, MC Fleitas, M Schierenbeck, GS Gerard, MR Simón
Journal of Cereal Science 83, 49-57, 2018
Breadmaking quality and yield response to the green leaf area duration caused by fluxapyroxad under three nitrogen rates in wheat affected with tan spot
MC Fleitas, M Schierenbeck, GS Gerard, JI Dietz, SI Golik, MR Simón
Crop Protection 106, 201-209, 2018
How leaf rust disease and its control with fungicides affect dough properties, gluten quality and loaf volume under different N rates in wheat
MC Fleitas, M Schierenbeck, GS Gerard, JI Dietz, SI Golik, PE Campos, ...
Journal of cereal science 80, 119-127, 2018
Does radiation interception or radiation use efficiency limit the growth of wheat inoculated with tan spot or leaf rust?
M Schierenbeck, MC Fleitas, DJ Miralles, MR Simón
Field crops research 199, 65-76, 2016
Genetic dissection of grain architecture-related traits in a winter wheat population
AB M Schierenbeck, AM Alqudah, U Lohwasser, RA Tarawneh, MR Simón
BMC Plant Biology 21 (417), 2021
Impact of foliar diseases and its interaction with nitrogen fertilization and fungicides mixtures on green leaf area dynamics and yield in oat genotypes with different resistance
JI Dietz, M Schierenbeck, MR Simón
Crop Protection, 80-88, 2019
Nitrogen accumulation in grains, remobilization and post-anthesis uptake under tan spot and leaf rust infections on wheat
SIG M Schierenbeck, MC Fleitas, MR Simón, F Cortese
Field Crops Research, 27-37, 2019
Combinations of fungicide molecules and nitrogen fertilization revert nitrogen yield reductions generated by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis infections in bread wheat
Schierenbeck, M., Fleitas, M.C., Gerard, G.S., Dietz, J.I., Simón, M.R.
Crop Protection, 173-181, 2019
Localization of QTL for resistance to Pyrenophora teres f. maculata, a new wheat pathogen
JP Uranga, M Schierenbeck, AE Perelló, U Lohwasser, ABMR Simón
Euphytica 216 (56), 2020
Enfermedades foliares del trigo afectan diferencialmente la absorción post-antesis y removilización del nitrógeno hacia los granos
M Schierenbeck, MC Fleitas, F Cortese, SI Golik, MR Simon
Universidad Nacinal de Tucumán. Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia, 2014
Roya de la hoja y mancha amarilla en trigo: Principales efectos sobre componentes ecofisiológicos involucrados en la generación de biomasa y rendimiento
M Schierenbeck
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2015
Wheat grains as a sustainable source of protein for health
DZ Alomari, M Schierenbeck, AM Alqudah, MD Alqahtani, S Wagner, ...
Nutrients 15 (20), 4398, 2023
Association mapping unravels the genetics controlling seedling drought stress tolerance in winter wheat
M Schierenbeck, A Alqudah, S Thabet, U Lohwasser, MR Simón, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 14 (1061845), 2023
Nitrogen fertilization and fungicide mixtures in wheat: how do they affect the severity, yield and dynamics of nitrogen under leaf rust infections?
M Schierenbeck, MC Fleitas, MR Simón
European journal of plant pathology 155, 1061-1075, 2019
Componentes ecofisiológicos involucrados en la generación de biomasa afectados por enfermedades foliares en trigo
M Schierenbeck, MC Fleitas, MR Simon
Revista Agronómica del Noroeste Argentino 34, 2014
Maíz: Crecimiento y desarrollo del cultivo de maíz
SI Golik, M Schierenbeck, JI Dietz, MC Fleitas
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2018
Eficacia de control y residualidad de curasemillas sobre enfermedades foliares de trigo
GS Gerard, MC Fleitas, M Schierenbeck, MR Simón
Fave. Sección ciencias agrarias 14 (2), 0-0, 2015
Screening Spring Wheat Genotypes for TaDreb-B1 and Fehw3 Genes under Severe Drought Stress at the Germination Stage Using KASP Technology
EA Mohamed, AAM Ahmed, M Schierenbeck, MY Hussein, PS Baenziger, ...
Genes 14 (2), 2023
Green Revolution dwarfing Rht genes negatively affected wheat floral traits related to cross-pollination efficiency
M Schierenbeck, AM Alqudah, E Lantos, EG Avogadro, MR Simón, ...
The Plant Journal, 2024
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Articles 1–20