Kovacs, Z.
Kovacs, Z.
professor of human geography, University of Szeged, research professor, HUN-REN CSFK
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Cited by
Cited by
The spatial mobility of the ‘creative class’: A European perspective
H Martin‐Brelot, M Grossetti, D Eckert, O Gritsai, Z Kovacs
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 34 (4), 854-870, 2010
Urban renewal in the inner city of Budapest: Gentrification from a post-socialist perspective
Z Kovács, R Wiessner, R Zischner
Urban Studies 50 (1), 22-38, 2013
The process of suburbanization in the agglomeration of Budapest
H Kok, Z Kovacs
Netherlands Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 14 (2), 119-141, 1999
Accommodating creative knowledge: A literature review from a European perspective
S Musterd, M Bontje, C Chapain, Z Kovács, A Murie
AMIDSt, University of Amsterdam, 2007
Ghettoization or gentrification? Post-socialist scenarios for Budapest
Z Kovács
Netherlands journal of housing and the built environment 13 (1), 63-81, 1998
Urban sprawl and land conversion in post-socialist cities: The case of metropolitan Budapest
Z Kovács, ZJ Farkas, T Egedy, AC Kondor, B Szabó, J Lennert, D Baka, ...
Cities 92, 71-81, 2019
Cities from state-socialism to global capitalism: an introduction
Z Kovács
GeoJournal, 1-6, 1999
Patterns of socioeconomic segregation in the capital cities of fast-track reforming postsocialist countries
SB Marcińczak S, Tammaru T, Novák J, Gentile M, Kovács Z, Temelová J ...
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 105 (1), 183-202, 2015
A city at the crossroads: social and economic transformation in Budapest
Z Kovdcs
Urban studies 31 (7), 1081-1096, 1994
A szuburbanizáció térbeni-társadalmi jellemzői Budapest környékén
D Zoltán, K Zoltán
Földrajzi értesítő 48 (1-2), 33-58, 1999
Development pathways of large housing estates in post-socialist cities: An international comparison
Z Kovács, G Herfert
Housing Studies 27 (3), 324-342, 2012
Népesség-és településföldrajz: Egyetemi jegyzet
K Zoltán
ELTE Eötvös K., 2002
Place-making and policies for competitive cities
S Musterd, Z Kovács
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Gated communities as new forms of segregation in post-socialist Budapest
Z Kovács, G Hegedűs
Cities 36, 200-209, 2014
Social and economic transformation of historical neighbourhoods in Budapest
Z Kovács
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 100 (4), 399-416, 2009
Pathways toward European creative-knowledge city-regions
M Bontje, S Musterd, Z Kovács, A Murie
Urban Geography 32 (1), 80-104, 2011
The kaleidoscope of gentrification in post-socialist cities
J Kubeš, Z Kovacs
Urban Studies 57 (13), 2591-2611, 2020
Studentification, diversity and social cohesion in post-socialist Budapest
S Fabula, L Boros, Z Kovács, D Horváth, V Pál
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 66 (2), 157-173, 2017
Urban sprawl on the Danube: The impacts of suburbanization in Budapest
Z Kovács, I Tosics
Confronting suburbanization: Urban decentralization in postsocialist Central …, 2014
Metropolitan region building and territorial development in Budapest: The role of national policies
T Egedy, Z Kovács, AC Kondor
International Planning Studies 22 (1), 14-29, 2017
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Articles 1–20