Monica Enculescu
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Cited by
Novel nanocomposites based on epoxy resin/epoxy-functionalized polydimethylsiloxane reinforced with POSS
NM Florea, A Lungu, P Badica, L Craciun, M Enculescu, DG Ghita, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 75, 226-234, 2015
Enhancing antimicrobial activity of TiO2/Ti by torularhodin bioinspired surface modification
C Ungureanu, C Dumitriu, S Popescu, M Enculescu, V Tofan, M Popescu, ...
Bioelectrochemistry 107, 14-24, 2016
Spectroscopic characteristics of Dy3+ doped Y3Al5O12 transparent ceramics
A Lupei, V Lupei, C Gheorghe, A Ikesue, M Enculescu
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (8), 2011
Superhydrophobic properties of cotton fabrics functionalized with ZnO by electroless deposition
N Preda, M Enculescu, I Zgura, M Socol, E Matei, V Vasilache, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 138 (1), 253-261, 2013
Graphene oxide concentration effect on the optoelectronic properties of ZnO/GO nanocomposites
I Boukhoubza, M Khenfouch, M Achehboune, L Leontie, AC Galca, ...
Nanomaterials 10 (8), 1532, 2020
Photocatalytic activity of wool fabrics deposited at low temperature with ZnO or TiO2 nanoparticles: Methylene blue degradation as a test reaction
L Frunza, L Diamandescu, I Zgura, S Frunza, CP Ganea, CC Negrila, ...
Catalysis Today 306, 251-259, 2018
Wet chemical synthesis of ZnO-CdS composites and their photocatalytic activity
I Zgura, N Preda, G Socol, C Ghica, D Ghica, M Enculescu, I Negut, ...
Materials Research Bulletin 99, 174-181, 2018
Effect of starting materials and sintering temperature on microstructure and optical properties of Y2O3:Yb3+ 5 at% transparent ceramics
RP Yavetskiy, AE Balabanov, SV Parkhomenko, OS Kryzhanovska, ...
Journal of Advanced Ceramics 10, 49-61, 2021
Superior biofunctionality of dental implant fixtures uniformly coated with durable bioglass films by magnetron sputtering
AC Popa, GE Stan, M Enculescu, C Tanase, DU Tulyaganov, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 51, 313-327, 2015
Production of 82Se enriched Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) crystals for the study of neutrinoless double beta decay
I Dafinei, S Nagorny, S Pirro, L Cardani, M Clemenza, F Ferroni, ...
Journal of Crystal Growth 475, 158-170, 2017
Functionalized magnetite silica thin films fabricated by MAPLE with antibiofilm properties
DE Mihaiescu, R Cristescu, G Dorcioman, CE Popescu, C Nita, G Socol, ...
Biofabrication 5 (1), 015007, 2012
Substrate–target distance dependence of structural and optical properties in case of Pb (Zr, Ti) O3 films obtained by pulsed laser deposition
AC Galca, V Stancu, MA Husanu, C Dragoi, NG Gheorghe, L Trupina, ...
Applied Surface Science 257 (14), 5938-5943, 2011
Dense Ge nanocrystals embedded in TiO2 with exponentially increased photoconduction by field effect
AM Lepadatu, A Slav, C Palade, I Dascalescu, M Enculescu, S Iftimie, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 4898, 2018
Morphological and optical properties of doped potassium hydrogen phthalate crystals
M Enculescu
Physica B: Condensed Matter 405 (17), 3722-3727, 2010
Physical-chemical characterization and biological assessment of simple and lithium-doped biological-derived hydroxyapatite thin films for a new generation of metallic implants
AC Popescu, PE Florian, GE Stan, G Popescu-Pelin, I Zgura, M Enculescu, ...
Applied Surface Science 439, 724-735, 2018
Optical spectroscopy of Yb2+ ions in YbF3-doped CaF2 crystals
I Nicoara, L Lighezan, M Enculescu, I Enculescu
Journal of crystal growth 310 (7-9), 2026-2032, 2008
Growth and optical characteristics of coumarin 6 doped potassium hydrogen phthalate (KAP) crystals
M Enculescu
Optical materials 32 (2), 281-285, 2009
Exciton-phonon interaction in PbI2 revealed by Raman and photoluminescence studies using excitation light overlapping the fundamental absorption edge
M Baibarac, I Smaranda, M Scocioreanu, RA Mitran, M Enculescu, ...
Materials Research Bulletin 70, 762-772, 2015
Fabrication of magnetite-based core–shell coated nanoparticles with antibacterial properties
AM Grumezescu, R Cristescu, MC Chifiriuc, G Dorcioman, G Socol, ...
Biofabrication 7 (1), 015014, 2015
Superhydrophobic ZnO networks with high water adhesion
C Florica, N Preda, M Enculescu, I Zgura, M Socol, I Enculescu
Nanoscale Research Letters 9, 1-10, 2014
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Articles 1–20