Civil Engineering Department, University of Tiaret Algeria
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Cited by
Exact solution for thermoelastic deformations of functionally graded thick rectangular plates
SS Vel, RC Batra
AIAA journal 40 (7), 1421-1433, 2002
Free vibrations of multilayered composite plates.
AK Noor
AIAA journal 11 (7), 1038-1039, 1973
Refined plate theory and its variants
RP Shimpi
AIAA journal 40 (1), 137-146, 2002
Buckling and vibration of laminated composite plates using various plate theories
JN Reddy, AA Khdeir
AIAA journal 27 (12), 1808-1817, 1989
A novel higher order shear and normal deformation theory based on neutral surface position for bending analysis of advanced composite plates
AA Bousahla, MSA Houari, A Tounsi, ELA ADDA BEDIA
International Journal of Computational Methods 11 (06), 1350082, 2014
Hygro-thermo-mechanical bending of S-FGM plates resting on variable elastic foundations using a four-variable trigonometric plate theory
Y Beldjelili, A Tounsi, SR Mahmoud
Smart Structures and Systems, An International Journal 18 (4), 755-786, 2016
Thermal stability of functionally graded sandwich plates using a simple shear deformation theory
B Bouderba, MSA Houari, A Tounsi, SR Mahmoud
Structural Engineering and Mechanics 58 (3), 397-422, 2016
On thermal stability of plates with functionally graded coefficient of thermal expansion
AA Bousahla, S Benyoucef, A Tounsi, SR Mahmoud
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Journal 60 (2), 313-335, 2016
A four variable refined plate theory for free vibrations of functionally graded plates with arbitrary gradient
A Benachour, T Hassaine Daouadji, HA Atmane, A Tounsi, MS Ahmed
Composites Part B: Engineering 42 (6), 1386-1394, 2011
Thermal stresses in functionally graded beams
BV Sankar, JT Tzeng
AIAA journal 40 (6), 1228-1232, 2002
A simple analytical approach for thermal buckling of thick functionally graded sandwich plates
F El-Haina, A Bakora, AA Bousahla, A Tounsi, SR Mahmoud
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Journal 63 (5), 585-595, 2017
Static and dynamic behavior of (FG-CNT) reinforced porous sandwich plate using energy principle
M Medani, A Benahmed, M Zidour, H Heireche, A Tounsi, AA Bousahla, ...
Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal 32 (5), 595-610, 2019
An efficient shear deformation theory for wave propagation of functionally graded material plates
A Boukhari, HA Atmane, A Tounsi, EA Adda Bedia, SR Mahmoud
Structural engineering and mechanics: An international journal 57 (5), 837-859, 2016
Buckling and dynamic behavior of the simply supported CNT-RC beams using an integral-first shear deformation theory
AA Bousahla, F Bourada, SR Mahmoud, A Tounsi, A Algarni, EAA Bedia, ...
Computers and Concrete, An International Journal 25 (2), 155-166, 2020
Effects of hygro-thermo-mechanical conditions on the buckling of FG sandwich plates resting on elastic foundations
S Refrafi, AA Bousahla, A Bouhadra, A Menasria, F Bourada, A Tounsi, ...
Computers and Concrete, an International Journal 25 (4), 311-325, 2020
Free vibration analysis of angle-ply laminated composite and soft core sandwich plates
M Sahla
Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal 33 (5), 663-679, 2019
Interfacial stresses in FRP-plated RC beams: Effect of adherend shear deformations
A Tounsi, T Hassaine Daouadji, S Benyoucef
International journal of adhesion and adhesives 29 (4), 343-351, 2009
Functionally graded materials: an overview of stability, buckling, and free vibration analysis
N Zhang, T Khan, H Guo, S Shi, W Zhong, W Zhang
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2019 (1), 1354150, 2019
A new 3-unknown hyperbolic shear deformation theory for vibration of functionally graded sandwich plate
Z Belabed, AA Bousahla, MSA Houari, A Tounsi, SR Mahmoud
Earthquakes and Structures 14 (2), 103-115, 2018
Novel quasi-3D and 2D shear deformation theories for bending and free vibration analysis of FGM plates
A Younsi, A Tounsi, FZ Zaoui, AA Bousahla, SR Mahmoud
Geomechanics & engineering 14 (6), 519-532, 2018
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Articles 1–20