Deborah Thurston
Cited by
Cited by
Integrated sustainable life cycle design: a review
K Ramani, D Ramanujan, WZ Bernstein, F Zhao, J Sutherland, ...
Environmentally benign manufacturing: observations from Japan, Europe and the United States
T Gutowski, C Murphy, D Allen, D Bauer, B Bras, T Piwonka, P Sheng, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 13 (1), 1-17, 2005
A formal method for subjective design evaluation with multiple attributes
DL Thurston
Research in engineering Design 3 (2), 105-122, 1991
Incorporating component reuse, remanufacture, and recycle into product portfolio design
D Mangun, DL Thurston
IEEE transactions on engineering management 49 (4), 479-490, 2002
Fuzzy ratings and utility analysis in preliminary design evaluation of multiple attributes
DL Thurston, JV Carnahan
Real and misconceived limitations to decision based design with utility analysis
DL Thurston
J. Mech. Des. 123 (2), 176-182, 2001
Environmentally benign manufacturing: trends in Europe, Japan, and the USA
D Allen, D Bauer, B Bras, T Gutowski, C Murphy, T Piwonka, P Sheng, ...
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2001
Modeling robust and reliable supply chains
M Bundschuh, D Klabjan, DL Thurston
Optimization Online e-print, 2003
Adsorption and electrothermal desorption of organic vapors using activated carbon adsorbents with novel morphologies
L Luo, D Ramirez, MJ Rood, G Grevillot, KJ Hay, DL Thurston
Carbon 44 (13), 2715-2723, 2006
Optimization of design utility
DL Thurston, JV Carnahan, T Liu
Simultaneous selective disassembly and end-of-life decision making for multiple products that share disassembly operations
S Behdad, M Kwak, H Kim, D Thurston
Decision traps in ISO 14001 implementation process: case study results from Illinois certified companies
A Ghisellini, DL Thurston
Journal of Cleaner Production 13 (8), 763-777, 2005
Multiattribute utility analysis in design management
DL Thurston
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 37 (4), 296-301, 1990
Fuzzing ratings for multiattribute design decision-making
JV Carnahan, DL Thurston, T Liu
Decision theory for design economics
DL Thurston, A Locascio
The Engineering Economist 40 (1), 41-71, 1994
A global perspective on the environmental challenges facing the automotive industry: state-of-the-art and directions for the future
J Sutherland, K Gunter, D Allen, D Bauer, B Bras, T Gutowski, C Murphy, ...
International Journal of Vehicle Design 35 (1), 86-110, 2004
Environmentally benign manufacturing
TG Gutowski, CF Murphy, DT Allen, DJ Bauer, B Bras, TS Piwonka, ...
Baltimore, MD, International Technology Research Institute, World Technology …, 2001
A distributed pool architecture for genetic algorithms
G Roy, H Lee, JL Welch, Y Zhao, V Pandey, D Thurston
2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1177-1184, 2009
Varying lifecycle lengths within a product take-back portfolio
Y Zhao, V Pandey, H Kim, D Thurston
Design evaluation of multiple attributes under uncertainty
DL Thurston, T Liu
Systems Automation: Research and Applications 1 (2), 143-159, 1991
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Articles 1–20