Dena C. Carson
Cited by
Cited by
Consequences of being bullied: Results from a longitudinal assessment of bullying victimization in a multisite sample of American students
FA Esbensen, DC Carson
Youth & Society 41 (2), 209-233, 2009
Short‐and long‐term outcome results from a multisite evaluation of the GREAT program
FA Esbensen, DW Osgood, D Peterson, TJ Taylor, DC Carson
Criminology & Public Policy 12 (3), 375-411, 2013
General strain theory and the relationship between early victimization and drug use
DC Carson, CJ Sullivan, JK Cochran, KM Lersch
Deviant Behavior 30 (1), 54-88, 2008
Who are the gangsters? An examination of the age, race/ethnicity, sex, and immigration status of self-reported gang members in a seven-city study of American youth
FA Esbensen, DC Carson
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 28 (4), 465-481, 2012
Evaluation and evolution of the Gang Resistance Education and Training (GREAT) program
FA Esbensen, D Peterson, TJ Taylor, A Freng, DW Osgood, DC Carson, ...
Journal of School Violence 10 (1), 53-70, 2011
Youth gang desistance: An examination of the effect of different operational definitions of desistance on the motivations, methods, and consequences associated with leaving the …
DC Carson, D Peterson, FA Esbensen
Criminal Justice Review 38 (4), 510-534, 2013
Putting the “gang” in “Eurogang”: Characteristics of delinquent youth groups by different definitional approaches
KN Matsuda, FA Esbensen, DC Carson
Youth gangs in international perspective: Results from the Eurogang program …, 2011
Leaving the gang: A review and thoughts on future research
DC Carson, JM Vecchio
The handbook of gangs, 257-275, 2015
The highs that bind: school context, social status and marijuana use
M Vogel, CE Rees, T McCuddy, DC Carson
Journal of youth and adolescence 44, 1153-1164, 2015
Perceptions of prosocial and delinquent peer behavior and the effect on delinquent attitudes: A longitudinal study
DC Carson
Journal of Criminal Justice 41 (3), 151-161, 2013
Gangs in school: Exploring the experiences of gang-involved youth
DC Carson, FA Esbensen
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 17 (1), 3-23, 2019
Differentiating between delinquent groups and gangs: Moving beyond offending consequences
DC Carson, SA Wiley, FA Esbensen
Social Development Models of Gang Involvement, 52-70, 2020
A longitudinal analysis of the relationship between school victimization and student mobility
DC Carson, FA Esbensen, TJ Taylor
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 11 (4), 275-295, 2013
The sex composition of groups and youths’ delinquency: A comparison of gang and nongang peer groups
D Peterson, DC Carson
Youth gangs in international perspective: results from the Eurogang program …, 2011
An experimental trial of a dog-training program in a juvenile detention center
E Grommon, DC Carson, L Kenney
Journal of Experimental Criminology 16, 299-309, 2020
What’s sex (composition) got to do with it? The importance of sex composition of gangs for female and male members’ offending and victimization
D Peterson, DC Carson, E Fowler
Justice Quarterly 35 (6), 941-976, 2018
School transitions as a turning point for gang status
DC Carson, C Melde, SA Wiley, FA Esbensen
Journal of Crime and Justice 40 (4), 396-416, 2017
Do psychopathic traits distinguish trajectories of gang membership?
DC Carson, JV Ray
Criminal justice and behavior 46 (9), 1337-1355, 2019
Gang membership and involvement in violence among US adolescents: A test of construct validity
C Melde, FA Esbensen, DC Carson
Gang transitions and transformations in an international context, 33-50, 2016
Motivations for leaving gangs in the USA: A qualitative comparison of leaving processes across gang definitions
DC Carson, FA Esbensen
Gang transitions and transformations in an international context, 139-155, 2016
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Articles 1–20