Itiya Aneece
Cited by
Cited by
A meta-analysis of global crop water productivity of three leading world crops (wheat, corn, and rice) in the irrigated areas over three decades
DJ Foley, PS Thenkabail, IP Aneece, PG Teluguntla, AJ Oliphant
International Journal of Digital Earth 13 (8), 939-975, 2020
Does the document matter? The evolving role of syllabi in higher education
MS Palmer, LB Wheeler, I Aneece
Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 48 (4), 36-47, 2016
Accuracies achieved in classifying five leading world crop types and their growth stages using optimal earth observing-1 hyperion hyperspectral narrowbands on google earth engine
I Aneece, P Thenkabail
Remote Sensing 10 (12), 2027, 2018
Global cropland-extent product at 30-m resolution (GCEP30) derived from Landsat satellite time-series data for the year 2015 using multiple machine-learning algorithms on …
PS Thenkabail, PG Teluguntla, J Xiong, A Oliphant, RG Congalton, ...
Professional Paper, 2021
Classifying crop types using two generations of hyperspectral sensors (Hyperion and DESIS) with machine learning on the cloud
I Aneece, PS Thenkabail
Remote Sensing 13 (22), 4704, 2021
Students’ perceptions of course syllabi: The role of syllabi in motivating students
LB Wheeler, M Palmer, I Aneece
International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 13 (3), 7, 2019
Correlating species and spectral diversities using hyperspectral remote sensing in early‐successional fields
IP Aneece, H Epstein, M Lerdau
Ecology and Evolution 7 (10), 3475-3488, 2017
New generation hyperspectral sensors DESIS and PRISMA provide improved agricultural crop classifications
I Aneece, PS Thenkabail
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 88 (11), 715-729, 2022
New generation hyperspectral data from DESIS compared to high spatial resolution PlanetScope data for crop type classification
I Aneece, D Foley, P Thenkabail, A Oliphant, P Teluguntla
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2022
Hyperspectral remote sensing for terrestrial applications
PS Thenkabail, I Aneece, P Teluguntla, R Upadhyay, A Siddiqui, ...
Remote Sensing Handbook, Volume III, 285-358, 2016
Identifying invasive plant species using field spectroscopy in the VNIR region in successional systems of north-central Virginia
I Aneece, H Epstein
International Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (1), 100-122, 2017
Hyperspectral narrowband data propel gigantic leap in the earth remote sensing
PS Thenkabail, I Aneece, P Teluguntla, A Oliphant
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 87 (7), 461-467, 2021
Distinguishing early successional plant communities using ground-level hyperspectral data
I Aneece, H Epstein
Remote Sensing 7 (12), 16588-16606, 2015
Landsat-Derived Global Rainfed and Irrigated-Cropland Product 30m V001 (V001), NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC IP148728
P Teluguntla, P Thenkabail, A Oliphant, M Gumma, I Aneece, D Foley, ...
Global Hyperspectral Imaging Spectral-Library of Agricultural Crops for Conterminous United States V001 [Data Set]
P Thenkabail, I Aneece
NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, 2019
Introduction to the Python hyperspectral analysis tool (PyHAT)
JR Laura, LR Gaddis, RB Anderson, IP Aneece
Machine learning for planetary science, 55-90, 2022
Global cropland-extent product at 30-m resolution (GCEP30) derived from Landsat satellite time-series data for the year 2015 using multiple machine-learning algorithms on …
PS Thenkabail, PG Teluguntla, J Xiong, A Oliphant, RG Congalton, ...
US Geological Survey, Reston, VA, https://doi. org/10.3133/pp1868, 2021
Spaceborne hyperspectral EO-1 Hyperion data pre-processing: Methods, approaches, and algorithms
IP Aneece, PS Thenkabail, JG Lyon, A Huete, T Slonecker
Fundamentals, Sensor Systems, Spectral Libraries, and Data Mining for …, 2018
Crop Water Productivity from Cloud-Based Landsat Helps Assess California’s Water Savings
D Foley, P Thenkabail, A Oliphant, I Aneece, P Teluguntla
Remote Sensing 15 (19), 4894, 2023
Crop water productivity estimation with hyperspectral remote sensing
M Marshall, I Aneece, D Foley, C Xueliang, T Biggs
Advanced Applications in Remote Sensing of Agricultural Crops and Natural …, 2018
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Articles 1–20