Ely Masykuroh
Ely Masykuroh
IAIN Ponorogo
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Pengantar Teori Ekonomi Pendekatan Pada Teori Ekonomi Mikro Islam
E Masykuroh
Ponorogo: STAIN Ponorogo Press, 2008
Developing Model of Logistic Capability, Supply Chain Policy on Logistics Integration and competitive advantage of SMEs
IH Ahmad Sugionoa*, Ely Masykurohb, Endang Sungkawatic , Setyadjitd, Lili ...
Growing Science Ltd., 1009 -1018, 2023
Kinerja Bank Syariah Dan Konvensional Di Indonesia: Pendekatan Teori Stakeholder Dan Maqa< s {id Shari<’ah
E Masykuroh
Justicia Islamica 11 (2), 2014
Penduduk Muslim Sebagai Potensi Pasar Perbankan Syariah (Studi Komparasi Kekuatan Pasar Perbankan Di Indonesia)
E Masykuroh
Kodifikasia Jurnal Penelitian Islam 11 (1), 131-155, 2017
Teori Ekonomi Mikro Islami
E Masykuroh
Ponorogo: CV. Nata Karya, 2018
Pengaruh Inovasi Produk dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Daya Saing dengan Brand Image sebagai Variabel Intervening pada Bank Syariah Indonesia Kantor Cabang Nganjuk Yos Sudarso
RM Wahono, E Masykuroh
Falahiya: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance 1 (2), 156-172, 2022
Eksistensi DPS dalam Memoderasi Pengaruh Pembiayaan, Kinerja Keuangan dan Pengungkapan CSR pada Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia
E Masykuroh
Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam 12 (1), 113-132, 2012
Financial Attitude, Trust, and ROSCAs' Member Commitment: Social Relations as Mediating Factor
S Amaroh, E Masykuroh
Global Business & Finance Review 28 (3), 35, 2023
Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Mahasiswa Ponorogo di Marketplace Lazada
DEI Pratiwi, E Masykuroh
Niqosiya: Journal of Economics and Business Research 3 (1), 214-236, 2023
Implementasi Etika Bisnis Islam pada Pemasaran Marketplace Shopee
YN Imron, E Masykuroh
Journal of Economics, Law, and Humanities 2 (1), 139-155, 2023
Strategi Daya Saing Peningkatan Minat pada Program Studi Manajemen Zakat dan Wakaf
E Masykuroh, A Sudrajat
Nidhomiya: Research Journal of Islamic Philanthropy and Disaster 1 (1), 131-147, 2022
Pengaruh Islamic Branding dan Customer Relationship Marketing terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah dengan Kepuasan sebagai Variabel Intervening
D Mutiara, S Maharani, E Masykuroh
Journal of Economics, Law, and Humanities 3 (1), 21-32, 2024
Problematics of Intolerance Conflict Between Religious People in Islamic Law Politics in the Digitalization Era
D Iriani, A Budiono, M Fauzan, L Mahfiana, E Ningrum, E Masykuroh
4th Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2022 …, 2023
Facility and service analysis kepatuhan prinsip-prinsip syariah Hotel Asia Jaya Syariah Sarangan
M Harits, E Masykuroh
Journal of Economics, Law, and Humanities 1 (2), 117-135, 2022
Pengantar Teori Ekonomi. Panoraga
E Masykuroh
Panoraga Press, 2008
E Masykuroh
Jurnal Studi Islam Dan Sosial I, 2003
Analysis of Factors Affecting Employee Work Productivity at Lovindra Madiun Travel Transportation Service
MH Iswantami, E Masykuroh
Niqosiya: Journal of Economics and Business Research 3 (2), 270-280, 2023
Analisis Manajemen Risiko Pembiayaan Kepemilikan Rumah Syariah di Griya As-Sakinah Madiun
QQ A'yun, E Masykuroh, L Prasetiyo
Journal of Economics, Law, and Humanities 2 (2), 1-16, 2023
Reformulasi Bangun Sistem Ekonomi Islam
E Masykuroh
Justicia Islamica 8 (1), 2011
Integrasi Program Rumah Baca Sang Petualang untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Wonogiri
M Miswanto, E Masykuroh, S Maharani
Journal of Economics, Law, and Humanities 3 (2), 1-14, 2024
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Articles 1–20