Abla Albsoul-Younes or Albsoul Abla or Albsoul AY or Albsoul AM or Al-Bsoul-Younes Abla or Abla
Abla Albsoul-Younes or Albsoul Abla or Albsoul AY or Albsoul AM or Al-Bsoul-Younes Abla or Abla
Other namesabla M.albsoul
Professor of Pharmacology and therapeutics, School of pharmacy, The University of Jordan.
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Cited by
Cited by
Pharmacy education in jordan, saudi arabia, and kuwait
M Al-Wazaify, L Matowe, A Albsoul-Younes, OA Al-Omran
American journal of pharmaceutical education 70 (1), 2006
Perceptions, experiences, and expectations of physicians in hospital settings in Jordan regarding the role of the pharmacist
LM Tahaineh, M Wazaify, A Albsoul-Younes, Y Khader, M Zaidan
Research in social and administrative pharmacy 5 (1), 63-70, 2009
Societal perspectives on the role of community pharmacists and over-the-counter drugs in Jordan
M Wazaify, A Al-Bsoul-Younes, E Abu-Gharbieh, L Tahaineh
Pharmacy world & science 30, 884-891, 2008
Abuse and misuse of prescription and nonprescription drugs sold in community pharmacies in Jordan
A Albsoul-Younes, M Wazaify, AM Yousef, L Tahaineh
Substance use & misuse 45 (9), 1319-1329, 2010
Impact of pharmaceutical care interventions on glycemic control and other health-related clinical outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes: randomized controlled trial
RA Wishah, OA Al-Khawaldeh, AM Albsoul
Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 9 (4), 271-276, 2015
Diabetic heel ulcers: a major risk factor for lower extremity amputation.
NA Younes, AM Albsoul, H Awad
Ostomy/wound management 50 (6), 50-60, 2004
Pharmacy in Jordan
M Al-Wazaify, A Albsoul-Younes
American journal of health-system pharmacy 62 (23), 2548-2551, 2005
Knowledge, awareness and practices towards seasonal influenza and its vaccine: implications for future vaccination campaigns in Jordan
EY Abu-Rish, ER Elayeh, LA Mousa, YK Butanji, AM Albsoul-Younes
Family practice 33 (6), 690-697, 2016
A randomized controlled trial to assess pharmacist-physician collaborative practice in the management of metabolic syndrome in a university medical clinic in Jordan
EA Hammad, N Yasein, L Tahaineh, AM Albsoul-Younes
Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy 17 (4), 295-303, 2011
The DEPA scoring system and its correlation with the healing rate of diabetic foot ulcers
NA Younes, AM Albsoul
The Journal of foot and ankle surgery 43 (4), 209-213, 2004
Interaction sites of the G protein β subunit with brain G protein-coupled inward rectifier K+ channel
AM Albsoul-Younes, PM Sternweis, P Zhao, H Nakata, S Nakajima, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 276 (16), 12712-12717, 2001
Jordanian community pharmacists’ experience regarding prescription and nonprescription drug abuse and misuse in Jordan–An update
M Wazaify, E Abood, L Tahaineh, A Albsoul-Younes
Journal of Substance Use 22 (5), 463-468, 2017
Extended-spectrum β-lactamase producing E. coli in urinary tract infections: A two-center, cross-sectional study of prevalence, genotypes and risk factors in Amman, Jordan
SA Al-Jamei, AY Albsoul, FG Bakri, AG Al-Bakri
Journal of infection and public health 12 (1), 21-25, 2019
Wound bed preparation with 10 percent phenytoin ointment increases the take of split-thickness skin graft in large diabetic ulcers
N Younes, A Albsoul, D Badran, S Obedi
Dermatology Online Journal 12 (6), 2006
Calcium phosphate-mediated transfection of primary cultured brain neurons using GFP expression as a marker: application for single neuron electrophysiology
SY Watanabe, AM Albsoul-Younes, T Kawano, H Itoh, Y Kaziro, ...
Neuroscience research 33 (1), 71-78, 1999
Knowledge and Awareness of Colorectal Cancer Early Warning Signs and Risk Factors among University Students in Jordan.
AA Mhaidat NM, Al-Husein BA, Alzoubi KH, Hatamleh DI, Khader Y, Matalqah S
J Cancer Educ., 2016
Topiramate slow dose titration: improved efficacy and tolerability
AM Albsoul-Younes, HA Salem, SF Ajlouni, SA Al-Safi
Pediatric neurology 31 (5), 349-352, 2004
Awareness and frequency of potential side effects on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs among the Jordanian patient population.
AM Albsoul-Younes, SK Jabateh, SM Abdel-Hafiz, SA Al-Safi
Saudi medical journal 25 (7), 907-911, 2004
The role of clinical pharmacist on lipid control in dyslipidemic patients in North of Jordan
L Tahaineh, A Albsoul-Younes, E Al-Ashqar, A Habeb
International journal of clinical pharmacy 33, 229-236, 2011
Role of Clinical Pharmacist in the Management of Blood Pressure in Dialysis Patients.
NM Bonyan Qudah MSc, Abla Albsoul-Younes, Ezat Alawa
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy., 2016
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Articles 1–20