Firooz Salami
Firooz Salami
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Differences in center of pressure trajectory between normal and steppage gait
N Jamshidi, M Rostami, S Najarian, MB Menhaj, M Saadatnia, F Salami
Journal of research in medical sciences: the official journal of Isfahan …, 2010
Benefits of an increased prosthetic ankle range of motion for individuals with a trans-tibial amputation walking with a new prosthetic foot
DWW Heitzmann, F Salami, AR De Asha, J Block, C Putz, SI Wolf, ...
Gait & posture 64, 174-180, 2018
Modelling of human walking to optimise the function of ankle-foot orthosis in Guillan-Barré patients with drop foot
N Jamshidi, M Rostami, S Najarian, MB Menhaj, M Saadatnia, S Firooz
Singapore Med J 50 (4), 412-417, 2009
Modelling the interaction of ankle-foot orthosis and foot by finite element methods to design an optimized sole in steppage gait
N Jamshidi, H Hanife, M Rostami, S Najarian, MB Menhaj, M Saadatnia, ...
Journal of medical engineering & technology 34 (2), 116-123, 2010
Long‐term muscle changes after hamstring lengthening in children with bilateral cerebral palsy
F Salami, J Brosa, S Van Drongelen, MCM Klotz, T Dreher, SI Wolf, ...
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 61 (7), 791-797, 2019
What is the price for the Duchenne gait pattern in patients with cerebral palsy?
F Salami, M Niklasch, BK Krautwurst, T Dreher, SI Wolf
Gait & Posture 58, 453-456, 2017
Sound side joint contact forces in below knee amputee gait with an ESAR prosthetic foot
MT Karimi, F Salami, A Esrafilian, DWW Heitzmann, M Alimusaj, C Putz, ...
Gait & posture 58, 246-251, 2017
Mechanical energy assessment of adult with Down syndrome during walking with obstacle avoidance
F Salami, SL Vimercati, C Rigoldi, A Taebi, G Albertini, M Galli
Research in developmental disabilities 35 (8), 1856-1862, 2014
Mid‐term development of hamstring tendon length and velocity after distal femoral extension osteotomy in children with bilateral cerebral palsy: a retrospective cohort study
F Salami, J Wagner, S Van Drongelen, MCM Klotz, T Dreher, SI Wolf, ...
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 60 (8), 833-838, 2018
Assessment of ground reaction forces of steppage gait in comparison with normal gait
N Jamshidi, M Rostami, S Najarian, MB Menhaj, M Saadatnia, F Salami
Journal of Musculoskeletal Research 12 (01), 45-52, 2009
Machine learning-based prediction of joint moments based on kinematics in patients with cerebral palsy
ME Ozates, D Karabulut, F Salami, SI Wolf, YZ Arslan
Journal of Biomechanics 155, 111668, 2023
Power enhancement of weightlifters during snatch through reducing torque on joints by particle swarm optimization
F Salaami, N Jamshidi, M Rostami, S Najarian
American Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (12), 1670-1675, 2008
Focusing on functional knee parameter determination to develop a better clinical gait analysis protocol
J Leboucher, F Salami, O Öztürk, DWW Heitzmann, M Götze, T Dreher, ...
Gait & Posture 84 (, 127-136, 2021
Identification and interpretation of gait analysis features and foot conditions by explainable AI
ME Özateş, A Yaman, F Salami, S Campos, SI Wolf, U Schneider
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 5998, 2024
Estimation of ankle joint parameters in typically developed adults using functional calibration methods
F Salami, SI Wolf, J Simon, J Leboucher, DWW Heitzmann, T Dreher, ...
Gait & posture 77, 95-99, 2020
Estimation of a midfoot joint center in typically developed adults using functional calibration methods
F Salami, M Götze, S Campos, J Leboucher, S Hagmann, SI Wolf
Gait & Posture 97, 203-209, 2022
Biomechanical assessment of patellar tendon advancement in patients with cerebral palsy and crouch gait
D Karabulut, YZ Arslan, F Salami, SI Wolf, M Götze
The Knee 32, 46-55, 2021
Rectus femoris EMG clustering, A data-driven management of crouch gait in patients with cerebral palsy (CP)
M Davoudi, F Salami, R Reisig, SI Wolf
Gait & Posture 106, S45-S46, 2023
Are we overestimating internal rotation gait by conventional modelling?
AR Musagara, F Salami, H Oelmaier, M Götze, SI Wolf
Gait & Posture 103, 57-61, 2023
Rectus femoris electromyography signal clustering: Data-driven management of crouch gait in patients with cerebral palsy
M Davoudi, F Salami, R Reisig, DA Patikas, SI Wolf
PloS one 19 (8), e0298945, 2024
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Articles 1–20