Audur Arna Arnardottir
Audur Arna Arnardottir
Professor, University of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands)
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Cited by
More on gender differences in lying
HF Gylfason, AA Arnardottir, K Kristinsson
Economics Letters 119 (1), 94-96, 2013
Developing Global Leadership Competencies: A Process Model
GRO Mark E. Mendenhall, Todd J. Weber, Audur Arna Arnardottir
Advances in global leadership, 117-146, 2017
Managers’ views on ethics education in business schools: An empirical study
TO Sigurjonsson, AA Arnardottir, V Vaiman, P Rikhardsson
Journal of Business Ethics 130, 1-13, 2015
Developing cross-cultural competencies in management education via cognitive-behavior therapy
ME Mendenhall, AA Arnardottir, GR Oddou, LA Burke
Academy of Management Learning & Education 12 (3), 436-451, 2013
The role of business schools in ethics education in Iceland: The managers’ perspective
TO Sigurjonsson, V Vaiman, AA Arnardottir
Journal of Business Ethics 122, 25-38, 2014
Gender diversity on boards in Iceland: Pathway to gender quota law following a financial crisis
AA Arnardottir, TO Sigurjonsson
Gender Diversity in the Boardroom: Volume 1: The Use of Different Quota …, 2017
Is more really better? Performance measure variety and environmental uncertainty
P Rikhardsson, S Wendt, AA Arnardóttir, TO Sigurjónsson
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 70 (6 …, 2021
Fæðingarorlof frá sjónarhóli feðra og mæðra
AA Arnardóttir
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum IX, 139-150, 2008
Making a difference in the classroom: Developing global leadership competencies in business school students
ME Mendenhall, LA Burke-Smalley, AA Arnardottir, GR Oddou, JS Osland
Research handbook of global leadership, 330-349, 2020
Viðbrögð tengslanets við gagnrýni á fjármálastöðugleika Íslands
ÞO Sigurjónsson, D Schwartzkopf, AA Arnardóttir
Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla 7 (1), 161-184, 2011
Three dimensions of employees acquiring shares in their firms: Personal characteristics, motives and type of ownership
B Faigen, N Mygind, TO Sigurjonsson, AA Arnardottir
Economic and Industrial Democracy 42 (3), 737-765, 2021
Leadership style in co-lead psychotherapy groups, assessed from leaders', co-leaders', and group members' perspective
AA Arnardottir
Virginia Commonwealth University, 2001
Leifur Geir Hafsteinsson og Sturla Jóhann Hreinsson.(2007)
AA Arnardóttir
Auðgun og togstreita milli fjölskyldu og starfs: Tengsl við persónubundna og …, 0
Selecting Nomination Committee Members—Stakeholders’ Perspective
H Magnusdottir, AA Arnardottir, TO Sigurjonsson
Sustainability 15 (6), 5595, 2023
Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards: Directors' Perception on Board Functioning and Gender Quotas
AA Arnardottir, TO Sigurjonsson, P Gabaldon
Journal of Governance and Regulation 12 (2), 92-103, 2023
Restoring trust through improved corporate governance and adherence to gender quotas
AA Arnardottir, TO Sigurjonsson
The return of trust? Institutions and the public after the Icelandic …, 2018
Frá mjúkum yfir í harðar samdráttaraðgerðir á vinnumarkaði. Sveigjanleiki fyrirtækja og stofnana í kjölfar hruns
A Einarsdóttir, K Ólafsdóttir, AA Arnardóttir
Stofnun stjórnsýslufræða og stjórnmála, Háskóli Íslands, 2011
The influence of an ownership strategy on board dynamics
GE Jonsdottir, AA Arnardottir, TO Sigurjonsson, T Poulsen
Journal of Management and Governance, 1-29, 2023
Do nomination committees encourage corporate board diversity?
H Magnúsdóttir, TO Sigurjonsson, AA Arnardottir, P Gabaldón
Research Handbook on Diversity and Corporate Governance, 96-111, 2023
Women on corporate boards in Iceland: Opening up governance through gender quota
AA Arnardottir, O Sigurjonsson, S Terjesen
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Articles 1–20