Beaven Utete
Beaven Utete
Professor Aquatic Ecology and Conservation
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Metal concentrations in water, sediment and sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus from three peri-urban rivers in the upper Manyame catchment, Zimbabwe
T Nhiwatiwa, M Barson, AP Harrison, B Utete, RG Cooper
African Journal of Aquatic Science 36 (3), 243-252, 2011
The diet of an invasive crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens, 1868), in Lake Kariba, inferred using stomach content and stable isotope analyses
LT Marufu, T Dalu, C Phiri, M Barson, R Simango, B Utete, T Nhiwatiwa
Invasivenet, 2018
Household solid waste handling practices and recycling value for integrated solid waste management in a developing city in Zimbabwe
NM Zikali, RM Chingoto, B Utete, F Kunedzimwe
Scientific African 16, e01150, 2022
Vulnerability of fisherfolks and their perceptions towards climate change and its impacts on their livelihoods in a peri-urban lake system in Zimbabwe
B Utete, C Phiri, SS Mlambo, N Muboko, BT Fregene
Environment, Development and Sustainability 21, 917-934, 2019
Aspects of a monosex population of Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings produced using 17-α methyl testosterone hormone
U Beaven, V Muposhi
Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development 3 (3), 1-5, 2012
Effectiveness of community participation as anti-litter monitors in solid waste management in metropolitan areas in a developing country
FM Zambezi, N Muisa-Zikali, B Utete
Environment, Development and Sustainability 23, 747-764, 2021
Potential impact of wash bay effluent on the water quality of a subtropical river
C Danha, B Utete, G Soropa, SB Rufasha
Journal of water resource and protection 2014, 2014
A review of some aspects of the ecology, population trends, threats and conservation strategies for the common hippopotamus, Hippopotamus amphibius L, in Zimbabwe
B Utete
African Zoology 55 (3), 187-200, 2020
Fish catches, and the influence of climatic and non-climatic factors in Lakes Chivero and Manyame, Zimbabwe
B Utete, C Phiri, SS Mlambo, N Muboko, BT Fregene
Cogent Food & Agriculture 4 (1), 1435018, 2018
A survey of the abundance, population structure, and distribution of Nile crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus) using day ground surveys in Sengwa Wildlife Research Area, Zimbabwe
M Sai, B Utete, E Chinoitezvi, GH Moyo, E Gandiwa
Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11 (42), 433, 2016
Analysis of the abundance and spatial distribution of the common hippopotamus,(Hippopotamus amphibius) in the Manjirenji Dam, Zimbabwe, to inform conservation and detect human …
B Utete, J Tsamba, E Chinoitezvi, B Kavhu
African Journal of Ecology 55 (4), 754-759, 2017
Active biomonitoring of a subtropical river using glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and heat shock proteins (HSP 70) in Oreochromis niloticus as surrogate biomarkers of metal …
VK Muposhi, B Utete, I Sithole-Niang, S Mukangenyama
Water Sa 41 (3), 425-431, 2015
Assessing the spatial and temporal variability and related environmental risks of toxic metals in Lake Asejire, south-western Nigeria
B Utete, BT Fregene
Scientific African 7, e00259, 2020
Appropriateness of branding as a tourism resuscitation tool for Zimbabwe
K Mirimi, B Utete, C Mapingure, P Mumbengegwi, F Kabote
American Journal of Tourism Management, 2013
Heavy metal concentrations in surface water, sediments and fish and their potential toxicity in highly degraded multipurpose peri-urban Eleyele Lake, Ibadan City, Oyo State …
B Utete, BT Fregene
Cogent Environmental Science 6 (1), 1785137, 2020
Metal correlations and mobility in sediment and water from the Gwebi River in the upper Manyame catchment, Zimbabwe
B Utete, T Nhiwatiwa, M Barson, N Mabika
International Journal of Water Sciences 2, 2013
Driving factors of temporary and permanent shallow lakes in and around Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe
B Utete, SM Shumba, E Makuwe, FD Hulot, S Kativu
Water SA 44 (2), 269-282, 2018
Metal accumulation in two contiguous eutrophic peri-urban lakes, Chivero and Manyame, Zimbabwe
B Utete, C Phiri, SS Mlambo, N Maringapasi, N Muboko, TB Fregene, ...
African journal of aquatic science 43 (1), 1-15, 2018
Impact of aquaculture on water quality in lake kariba, Zimbabwe
B Utete, L Mutasa, N Ndhlovu, IH Tendaupenyu
International Journal of Aquaculture 3 (4), 2013
A review of the conservation status of the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus Laurenti, 1768) in aquatic systems of Zimbabwe
B Utete
Global Ecology and Conservation 29, e01743, 2021
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Articles 1–20