Francesco Finazzi
Cited by
Cited by
The earthquake network project: Toward a crowdsourced smartphone‐based earthquake early warning system
F Finazzi
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 106 (3), 1088-1099, 2016
Maximum likelihood estimation of the dynamic coregionalization model with heterotopic data
A Fassò, F Finazzi
Environmetrics 22 (6), 735-748, 2011
Two-stage Bayesian model to evaluate the effect of air pollution on chronic respiratory diseases using drug prescriptions
M Blangiardo, F Finazzi, M Cameletti
Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology 18, 1-12, 2016
A model-based framework for air quality indices and population risk evaluation, with an application to the analysis of Scottish air quality data
F Finazzi, EM Scott, A Fassò
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 62 (2 …, 2013
A statistical approach to crowdsourced smartphone-based earthquake early warning systems
F Finazzi, A Fassò
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 31, 1649-1658, 2017
“Shaking in 5 Seconds!”—Performance and user appreciation assessment of the earthquake network smartphone‐based public earthquake early warning system
R Bossu, F Finazzi, R Steed, L Fallou, I Bondár
Seismological Society of America 93 (1), 137-148, 2022
D-STEM: a software for the analysis and mapping of environmental space-time variables
F Finazzi, A Fasso
Journal of Statistical Software 62, 1-29, 2015
The earthquake network project: A platform for earthquake early warning, rapid impact assessment, and search and rescue
F Finazzi
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 243, 2020
Maximum likelihood estimation of the multivariate hidden dynamic geostatistical model with application to air quality in Apulia, Italy
C Calculli, A Fassò, F Finazzi, A Pollice, A Turnone
Environmetrics 26 (6), 406-417, 2015
A comparison of clustering approaches for the study of the temporal coherence of multiple time series
F Finazzi, R Haggarty, C Miller, M Scott, A Fasso
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 29, 463-475, 2015
Efficacy and usefulness of an independent public earthquake early warning system: a case study—the earthquake network initiative in Peru
F Laure, F Francesco, B Rémy
Seismological Society of America 93 (2A), 827-839, 2022
Dynamic model-based clustering for spatio-temporal data
L Paci, F Finazzi
Statistics and Computing 28, 359-374, 2018
Analysis of massive marked point patterns with stochastic partial differential equations
V Gómez-Rubio, M Cameletti, F Finazzi
Spatial Statistics 14, 179-196, 2015
Electrification pathways of the Italian residential sector under socio-demographic constrains: Looking towards 2040
G Besagni, LP Vilà, M Borgarello, A Trabucchi, M Merlo, J Rodeschini, ...
Energy 217, 119438, 2021
Agrimonia: a dataset on livestock, meteorology and air quality in the Lombardy region, Italy
A Fassò, J Rodeschini, A Fusta Moro, Q Shaboviq, P Maranzano, ...
Scientific Data 10 (1), 143, 2023
D-STEM v2: A software for modelling functional spatio-temporal data
Y Wang, F Finazzi, A Fassò
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.11370, 2021
European population exposure to airborne pollutants based on a multivariate spatio-temporal model
A Fassò, F Finazzi, F Ndongo
Journal of agricultural, biological, and environmental statistics 21, 492-511, 2016
Quantifying personal exposure to air pollution from smartphone-based location data
F Finazzi, L Paci
Biometrics 75 (4), 1356-1366, 2019
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Italian mobility
F Finazzi, A Fassò
Significance (Oxford, England) 17 (3), 17, 2020
Fulfilling the information need after an earthquake: statistical modelling of citizen science seismic reports for predicting earthquake parameters in near realtime
F Finazzi
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 183 …, 2020
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Articles 1–20