Dian Rachmawati
Dian Rachmawati
Lecturer of Computer Science, University of Sumatera Utara
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Cited by
A comparative study of Message Digest 5 (MD5) and SHA256 algorithm
D Rachmawati, JT Tarigan, ABC Ginting
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 978, 012116, 2018
Analysis of Dijkstra’s algorithm and A* algorithm in shortest path problem
D Rachmawati, L Gustin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1566 (1), 012061, 2020
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
D Rachmawati, A Amalia, J Surya, AY Siahaan, H Ambarita
Phising Sebagai Salah Satu Bentuk Ancaman Dalam Dunia Cyber
D Rachmawati
J. Ilm. Saintikom, Univ. Sumatera Utara, Medan 1978, 6603, 2014
Implementasi algoritma greedy untuk menyelesaikan masalah knapsack problem
D Rachmawati, A Candra
Jurnal: Saintikom 12 (3), 2013
On using the first variant of dependent rsa encryption scheme to secure text: A tutorial
D Rachmawati, MA Budiman
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1542 (1), 012024, 2020
Implementasi Kombinasi Caesar dan Affine Cipher untuk Keamanan Data Teks
D Rachmawati, A Candra
Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika (JEPIN) 1 (2), 60-63, 2015
Hybrid cryptosystem using tiny encryption algorithm and LUC algorithm
D Rachmawati, A Sharif, MA Budiman
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 300 (1), 012042, 2018
Korean letter handwritten recognition using deep convolutional neural network on android platform
S Purnamawati, D Rachmawati, G Lumanauw, RF Rahmat, R Taqyuddin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 978, 012112, 2018
An implementation of the H-rabin algorithm in the shamir three-pass protocol
D Rachmawati, MA Budiman
2017 2nd International Conference on Automation, Cognitive Science, Optics …, 2017
On Using Goldbach G0 Codes and Even-Rodeh Codes for Text Compression on Using Goldbach G0 Codes and Even-Rodeh Codes for Text Compression
MA Budiman, D Rachmawati
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 180 (1), 012062, 2017
Three-pass protocol scheme for bitmap image security by using vernam cipher algorithm
D Rachmawati, MA Budiman, L Aulya
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 308 (1), 012003, 2018
Combination of columnar transposition cipher caesar cipher and lempel ziv welch algorithm in image security and compression
D Rachmawati, SM Hardi, RP Pasaribu
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1339 (1), 012007, 2019
An implementation of elias delta code and elgamal algorithm in image compression and security
D Rachmawati, MA Budiman, CA Saffiera
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 300 (1), 012040, 2018
Teknik pemecahan kunci algoritma rivest shamir adleman (rsa) dengan metode kraitchik
BS Muchlis, MA Budiman, D Rachmawati
Sinkron: jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika 2 (1), 49-64, 2017
Pengembangan Computer-Based Test sebagai Strategi Peningkatan Efisiensi Evaluasi Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar
D Arisandi, D Rachmawati, I Aulia, S Seniman
Juripol (Jurnal Institusi Politeknik Ganesha Medan) 1 (1), 1-8, 2018
Combination of huffman coding compression algorithm and least significant bit method for image hiding
D Rachmawati, A Amalia, J Surya
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 801 (1), 012059, 2017
A combination of vigenere algorithm and one time pad algorithm in the three-pass protocol
D Rachmawati, A Sharif, R Sianipar
MATEC Web of Conferences 197, 03008, 2018
Perancangan Mobile Augmented Reality System untuk Wisata Sejarah
A Candra, D Rachmawati, MA Budiman
SENARAI, 211-213, 2014
Implementation of modified cheapest insertion heuristic on generating Medan city tourism route
D Rachmawati
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1566 (1), 012076, 2020
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Articles 1–20