Jeff Houlahan
Jeff Houlahan
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Quantitative evidence for global amphibian population declines
JE Houlahan, CS Findlay, BR Schmidt, AH Meyer, SL Kuzmin
Nature 404 (6779), 752-755, 2000
Anthropogenic Correlates of Species Richness in Southeastern Ontario Wetlands: Correlativos Antropogénicos de la Riqueza de Especies en Humedales del Sureste de Ontario
CS Findlay, J Houlahan
Conservation biology 11 (4), 1000-1009, 1997
The effects of adjacent land use on wetland amphibian species richness and community composition
JE Houlahan, CS Findlay
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60 (9), 1078-1094, 2003
How effective is road mitigation at reducing road-kill? A meta-analysis
T Rytwinski, K Soanes, JAG Jaeger, L Fahrig, CS Findlay, J Houlahan, ...
PLoS one 11 (11), e0166941, 2016
Compensatory dynamics are rare in natural ecological communities
JE Houlahan, DJ Currie, K Cottenie, GS Cumming, SKM Ernest, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (9), 3273-3277, 2007
The effects of adjacent land use on wetland species richness and community composition
JE Houlahan, PA Keddy, K Makkay, CS Findlay
Wetlands 26 (1), 79-96, 2006
Evaluating the effectiveness of road mitigation measures
EA van der Grift, R van der Ree, L Fahrig, S Findlay, J Houlahan, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 22, 425-448, 2013
Estimating the ‘critical’distance at which adjacent land-use degrades wetland water and sediment quality
JE Houlahan, CS Findlay
Landscape Ecology 19 (6), 677-690, 2004
The priority of prediction in ecological understanding
JE Houlahan, ST McKinney, TM Anderson, BJ McGill
Oikos 126 (1), 1-7, 2017
Pollution and parasitism in aquatic animals: a meta-analysis of effect size
CA Blanar, KR Munkittrick, J Houlahan, DL MacLatchy, DJ Marcogliese
Aquatic Toxicology 93 (1), 18-28, 2009
The Rauischholzhausen agenda for road ecology
IA Roedenbeck, L Fahrig, CS Findlay, JE Houlahan, JAG Jaeger, N Klar, ...
Ecology and society 12 (1), 2007
Effect of invasive plant species on temperate wetland plant diversity
JE Houlahan, CS Findlay
Conservation Biology 18 (4), 1132-1138, 2004
Setting an optimal α that minimizes errors in null hypothesis significance tests
JF Mudge, LF Baker, CB Edge, JE Houlahan
PloS one 7 (2), e32734, 2012
Varying Responses of Northeastern North American Amphibians to the Chytrid Pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
MK Gahl, JE Longcore, JE Houlahan
Conservation Biology 26 (1), 135-141, 2012
Experimental study designs to improve the evaluation of road mitigation measures for wildlife
T Rytwinski, R Van Der Ree, GM Cunnington, L Fahrig, CS Findlay, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 154, 48-64, 2015
Conservation of herpetofauna in northern landscapes: Threats and challenges from a Canadian perspective
D Lesbarrères, SL Ashpole, CA Bishop, G Blouin-Demers, RJ Brooks, ...
Biological Conservation 170, 48-55, 2014
Effects of chytrid fungus and a glyphosate‐based herbicide on survival and growth of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus)
MK Gahl, BD Pauli, JE Houlahan
Ecological Applications 21 (7), 2521-2529, 2011
Laboratory and field exposure of two species of juvenile amphibians to a glyphosate-based herbicide and Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
CB Edge, MK Gahl, DG Thompson, JE Houlahan
Science of the Total Environment 444, 145-152, 2013
Exposure of juvenile green frogs (Lithobates clamitans) in littoral enclosures to a glyphosate-based herbicide
CB Edge, MK Gahl, BD Pauli, DG Thompson, JE Houlahan
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74 (5), 1363-1369, 2011
Effects of the glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup WeatherMax® on metamorphosis of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) in natural wetlands
C Lanctôt, C Robertson, L Navarro-Martín, C Edge, SD Melvin, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 140, 48-57, 2013
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Articles 1–20