Arun Kumar Bhaduri
Arun Kumar Bhaduri
DAE Homi Bhabha Chair Professor
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A comparative study on Johnson Cook, modified Zerilli–Armstrong and Arrhenius-type constitutive models to predict elevated temperature flow behaviour in modified 9Cr–1Mo steel
D Samantaray, S Mandal, AK Bhaduri
Computational Materials Science 47 (2), 568-576, 2009
Constitutive analysis to predict high-temperature flow stress in modified 9Cr–1Mo (P91) steel
D Samantaray, S Mandal, AK Bhaduri
Materials & Design 31 (2), 981-984, 2010
A study on microstructural evolution and dynamic recrystallization during isothermal deformation of a Ti-modified austenitic stainless steel
S Mandal, AK Bhaduri, V Subramanya Sarma
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 42, 1062-1072, 2011
Joining of titanium to 304L stainless steel by friction welding
HC Dey, M Ashfaq, AK Bhaduri, KP Rao
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (18-19), 5862-5870, 2009
A thermo-viscoplastic constitutive model to predict elevated-temperature flow behaviour in a titanium-modified austenitic stainless steel
D Samantaray, S Mandal, U Borah, AK Bhaduri, PV Sivaprasad
Materials Science and Engineering: A 526 (1-2), 1-6, 2009
Transition metal joints for steam generators—an overview
AK Bhaduri, S Venkadesan, P Rodriguez, PG Mukunda
International journal of pressure vessels and piping 58 (3), 251-265, 1994
Effect of strain rate on the dynamic recrystallization behavior in a nitrogen-enhanced 316L (N)
S Mandal, M Jayalakshmi, AK Bhaduri, V Subramanya Sarma
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45, 5645-5656, 2014
Role of twinning on dynamic recrystallization and microstructure during moderate to high strain rate hot deformation of a Ti-modified austenitic stainless steel
S Mandal, AK Bhaduri, V Subramanya Sarma
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43, 2056-2068, 2012
Comparison of creep rupture behaviour of type 316L (N) austenitic stainless steel joints welded by TIG and activated TIG welding processes
T Sakthivel, M Vasudevan, K Laha, P Parameswaran, KS Chandravathi, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (22-23), 6971-6980, 2011
A study on influence of heat input variation on microstructure of reduced activation ferritic martensitic steel weld metal produced by GTAW process
B Arivazhagan, G Srinivasan, SK Albert, AK Bhaduri
Fusion Engineering and Design 86 (2-3), 192-197, 2011
Effect of activated flux on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and residual stresses of modified 9Cr-1Mo steel weld joints
V Maduraimuthu, M Vasudevan, V Muthupandi, AK Bhaduri, T Jayakumar
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 43, 123-132, 2012
Intelligent modeling for estimating weld bead width and depth of penetration from infra-red thermal images of the weld pool
N Chandrasekhar, M Vasudevan, AK Bhaduri, T Jayakumar
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 26, 59-71, 2015
Study on tempering behaviour of AISI 410 stainless steel
G Chakraborty, CR Das, SK Albert, AK Bhaduri, VT Paul, ...
Materials Characterization 100, 81-87, 2015
Optimization of hot working parameters for thermo-mechanical processing of modified 9Cr–1Mo (P91) steel employing dynamic materials model
D Samantaray, S Mandal, AK Bhaduri
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (15), 5204-5211, 2011
Analysis and mathematical modelling of elevated temperature flow behaviour of austenitic stainless steels
D Samantaray, S Mandal, AK Bhaduri, S Venugopal, PV Sivaprasad
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (4-5), 1937-1943, 2011
Selection of hardfacing material for components of the Indian Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor
AK Bhaduri, R Indira, SK Albert, BPS Rao, SC Jain, S Asokkumar
Journal of Nuclear materials 334 (2-3), 109-114, 2004
Delta ferrite in the weld metal of reduced activation ferritic martensitic steel
S Sam, CR Das, V Ramasubbu, SK Albert, AK Bhaduri, T Jayakumar, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 455 (1-3), 343-348, 2014
Optimization of hybrid laser–TIG welding of 316LN steel using response surface methodology (RSM)
M Ragavendran, N Chandrasekhar, R Ravikumar, R Saxena, ...
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 94, 27-36, 2017
New insights into the relationship between dynamic softening phenomena and efficiency of hot working domains of a nitrogen enhanced 316L (N) stainless steel
D Samantaray, S Mandal, M Jayalakshmi, CN Athreya, AK Bhaduri, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 598, 368-375, 2014
Flow behavior and microstructural evolution during hot deformation of AISI Type 316 L (N) austenitic stainless steel
D Samantaray, S Mandal, C Phaniraj, AK Bhaduri
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (29-30), 8565-8572, 2011
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Articles 1–20