Advances in neural information processing systems 22 DD Lee, P Pham, Y Largman, A Ng Tech Rep, 2009 | 7799* | 2009 |
Optimal brain damage Y LeCun, J Denker, S Solla Advances in neural information processing systems 2, 1989 | 6424 | 1989 |
The mathematics of inheritance systems DS Touretzky Morgan Kaufmann, 1986 | 1031 | 1986 |
Hippocampal replay is not a simple function of experience AS Gupta, MAA Van Der Meer, DS Touretzky, AD Redish Neuron 65 (5), 695-705, 2010 | 974 | 2010 |
Envisioning AI for K-12: What should every child know about AI? D Touretzky, C Gardner-McCune, F Martin, D Seehorn Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 33 (01), 9795-9799, 2019 | 770 | 2019 |
A spin glass model of path integration in rat medial entorhinal cortex MC Fuhs, DS Touretzky Journal of Neuroscience 26 (16), 4266-4276, 2006 | 748 | 2006 |
Bayesian theories of conditioning in a changing world AC Courville, ND Daw, DS Touretzky Trends in cognitive sciences 10 (7), 294-300, 2006 | 566 | 2006 |
A distributed connectionist production system DS Touretzky, GE Hinton Cognitive science 12 (3), 423-466, 1988 | 526 | 1988 |
Clinical terminology: why is it so hard? AL Rector Methods of information in medicine 38 (04/05), 239-252, 1999 | 436 | 1999 |
Segmentation of spatial experience by hippocampal theta sequences AS Gupta, MAA Van Der Meer, DS Touretzky, AD Redish Nature neuroscience 15 (7), 1032-1039, 2012 | 416 | 2012 |
Cognitive maps beyond the hippocampus AD Redish, DS Touretzky Hippocampus 7 (1), 15-35, 1997 | 397 | 1997 |
A clash of intuitions: the current state of nonmonotonic multiple inheritance systems DS Touretzky, JF Horty, RH Thomason Proceedings of the 10th international joint conference on Artificial …, 1987 | 397 | 1987 |
The role of the hippocampus in solving the Morris water maze AD Redish, DS Touretzky Neural computation 10 (1), 73-111, 1998 | 391 | 1998 |
A skeptical theory of inheritance in nonmonotonic semantic networks JF Horty, RH Thomason, DS Touretzky Artificial intelligence 42 (2-3), 311-348, 1990 | 383 | 1990 |
A coupled attractor model of the rodent head direction system AD Redish, AN Elga, DS Touretzky Network: computation in neural systems 7 (4), 671, 1996 | 364 | 1996 |
Theory of rodent navigation based on interacting representations of space DS Touretzky, AD Redish Hippocampus 6 (3), 247-270, 1996 | 338 | 1996 |
Television receiver location identification R Thibadeau, JM Newcomer, D Touretzky US Patent 5,432,542, 1995 | 329 | 1995 |
Symbols among the neurons: Details of a connectionist inference architecture DS Touretzky, GE Hinton IJCAI 85, 238-243, 1985 | 313 | 1985 |
Method of identifying set-top receivers R Thibadeau, JM Newcomer, D Touretzky US Patent 5,565,909, 1996 | 292 | 1996 |
Advances in neural information processing systems Y LeCun, B Boser, JS Denker, D Henderson, RE Howard, WE Hubbard, ... San Francisco, CA, USA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc, 396-404, 1990 | 281 | 1990 |