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Helicity-protected ultrahigh mobility Weyl fermions in NbP
Z Wang, Y Zheng, Z Shen, Y Lu, H Fang, F Sheng, Y Zhou, X Yang, Y Li, ...
Physical Review B 93 (12), 121112, 2016
Defects controlled hole doping and multivalley transport in SnSe single crystals
Z Wang, C Fan, Z Shen, C Hua, Q Hu, F Sheng, Y Lu, H Fang, Z Qiu, J Lu, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 47, 2018
Negative magnetoresistance in Weyl semimetals NbAs and NbP: Intrinsic chiral anomaly and extrinsic effects
Y Li, Z Wang, P Li, X Yang, Z Shen, F Sheng, X Li, Y Lu, Y Zheng, ZA Xu
Frontiers of Physics 12, 1-10, 2017
Rashba valleys and quantum Hall states in few-layer black arsenic
Feng Sheng, Chenqiang Hua, Man Cheng, Jie Hu, Xikang Sun, Qian Tao, Hengzhe ...
Nature 593, 56-60, 2021
High yield electrochemical exfoliation synthesis of tin selenide quantum dots for high-performance lithium-ion batteries
J Li, W Liu, C Chen, X Zhao, Z Qiu, H Xu, F Sheng, Q Hu, Y Zheng, M Lin, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (41), 23958-23963, 2019
Bioinspired Shear-Flow-Driven Layer-by-Layer in Situ Self-Assembly
C He, T Ye, W Teng, Z Fang, WS Ruan, G Liu, H Chen, J Sun, L Hui, ...
ACS nano 13 (2), 1910-1922, 2019
Dialkali-metal monochalcogenide semiconductors with high mobility and tunable magnetism
C Hua, F Sheng, Q Hu, ZA Xu, Y Lu, Y Zheng
The journal of physical chemistry letters 9 (23), 6695-6701, 2018
Negative magnetoresistance in topological semimetals of transition-metal dipnictides with nontrivial Z2 indices
Y Li, Z Wang, Y Lu, X Yang, Z Shen, F Sheng, C Feng, Y Zheng, ZA Xu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.04056, 2016
Topological phase transition induced extreme magnetoresistance in TaSb
Z Wang, Y Li, Y Lu, Z Shen, F Sheng, C Feng, Y Zheng, Z Xu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.01717, 2016
Manipulating Giant Rashba Valley Splitting and Quantum Hall States in Few-Layer Black Arsenic by Electrostatic Gating
F Shen, C Hua, X Sun, J Hu, Q Tao, H Lu, Y Lu, M Zhong, K Watanabe, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.13182, 2020
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