Ірина Іваненко, Iryna Ivanenko, Irina Dukhno
Ірина Іваненко, Iryna Ivanenko, Irina Dukhno
Національний технічний університет України "Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського
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Cited by
Cited by
Bituminous coal-based activated carbons modified with nitrogen as adsorbents of hydrogen sulfide
A Bagreev, JA Menendez, I Dukhno, Y Tarasenko, TJ Bandosz
Carbon 42 (3), 469-476, 2004
Mechanism of reductive oxygen adsorption on active carbons with various surface chemistry
VV Strelko, NT Kartel, IN Dukhno, VS Kuts, RB Clarkson, BM Odintsov
Surface science 548 (1-3), 281-290, 2004
Oxidative adsorption of methyl mercaptan on nitrogen-enriched bituminous coal-based activated carbon
A Bagreev, JA Menendez, I Dukhno, Y Tarasenko, TJ Bandosz
Carbon 43 (1), 208-210, 2005
Synthesis and characterization of titanium (IV) oxide from various precursors
T Dontsova, I Ivanenko, I Astrelin
Nanoplasmonics, Nano-Optics, Nanocomposites, and Surface Studies: Selected …, 2015
Structural and catalytic properties of Ni–Co spinel and its composites
I Ivanenko, A Voronova, I Astrelin, Y Romanenko
Bulletin of Materials Science 42 (4), 172, 2019
TiO2 and its composites as effective photocatalyst for glucose degradation processes
AA Kukh, IM Ivanenko, IM Astrelin
Applied Nanoscience 9, 677-682, 2019
CVD synthesis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes onto different catalysts at low temperature
G Diao, H Li, H Liang, I Ivanenko, T Dontsova, I Astrelin
Nano 13 (04), 1850036, 2018
Low-temperature synthesis, structure-sorption characterisics and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanostructures
IN Ivanenko, TA Dontsova, IM Astrelin, VV Trots
Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology 38, 14-20, 2016
The precipitation synthesis of zinc (II) oxide for photocatalytic degradation of anionic and cationic dyes
I Ivanenko, K Hutsul, G Krymets
Applied Nanoscience 12 (3), 755-759, 2022
Comparison of SnO2-carbon nanotubes composite and the SnO2-carbon black mixture as an anode for Li-ion batteries
GQ Diao, H Li, I Ivanenko, T Dontsova, I Astrelin, FY Xie, XZ Guo
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 474 (1), 012022, 2019
Stabilization of nanoscale tin (IV) oxide on the surface of carbon nanotubes
T Dontsova, IM Ivanenko, IM Astrelin, SV Nagirnyak
J. Electrical Engineering 2 (1), 34-38, 2014
Cobalt, nitrogen-doped carbons as catalysts for sodium borohydride hydrolysis: role of surface chemistry
I Ivanenko, A Ruda
Journal of Materials Science 57 (3), 1994-2011, 2022
Nitrogen enriched activated carbons as adsorbents and catalysts in desulfurization technologies
A Bagreev, S Bashkova, T Bandosz, A Menendez, I Dukhno, Y Tarasenko
Preprints of Papers-American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry 49 …, 2004
Nickel and cobalt effect on properties of MWCNT-based anode for Li-ion batteries
G Diao, H Li, I Ivanenko, T Dontsova
Applied Nanoscience 10, 4839-4845, 2020
Білінгвізм як ознака мовної ситуації в сучасній Україні
ІМ Іваненко, О Берещук
Компаративні дослідження слов’янських мов і літератур. Пам’яті академіка …, 2012
Адсорбція, адсорбенти і каталізатори на їх основі
ІМ Іваненко, ТА Донцова, ЮМ Феденко
КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019
Magnetically separable catalysts for the hydrolysis of borohydrides
SM Lesik, IM Ivanenko, AO Perecos
2018 IEEE 8th International Conference Nanomaterials: Application …, 2018
Nanophysics, Nanomaterials, Interface Studies, and Applications
O Fesenko, L Yatsenko
Springer Proceedings in Physics 195, 2017
TiO2 Phase Ratio’s Contribution to the Photocatalytic Activity
A Stepanova, T Tite, I Ivanenko, M Enculescu, C Radu, DC Culita, ...
ACS omega 8 (44), 41664-41673, 2023
Composite titanium dioxide photocatalytically active materials
A Kukh, I Ivanenko, I Asterlin
Nanooptics and Photonics, Nanochemistry and Nanobiotechnology, and Their …, 2020
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