Angel Valle
Angel Valle
Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria, CSIC - Universidad de Cantabria , Spain
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Spatial holeburning effects on the dynamics of vertical cavity surface-emitting laser diodes
A Valle, J Sarma, KA Shore
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 31 (8), 1423-1431, 1995
Nonlinear dynamics induced by parallel and orthogonal optical injection in 1550 nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs)
A Hurtado, A Quirce, A Valle, L Pesquera, MJ Adams
Optics express 18 (9), 9423-9428, 2010
Polarization behavior of birefringent multitransverse mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
A Valle, L Pesquera, KA Shore
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 9 (5), 557-559, 1997
Dynamical characterisation of laser diode subject to double optical feedback for chaotic optical communications
MW Lee, P Rees, KA Shore, S Ortin, L Pesquera, A Valle
IEE Proceedings-Optoelectronics 152 (2), 97-102, 2005
Polarization selection in birefringent vertical-cavity surface emitting lasers
A Valle, KA Shore, L Pesquera
Journal of lightwave technology 14 (9), 2062-2068, 1996
Selection and modulation of high-order transverse modes in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
A Valle
IEEE Journal of quantum electronics 34 (10), 1924-1932, 1998
Measurement of the intrinsic parameters of single-mode VCSELs
P Pérez, A Valle, I Noriega, L Pesquera
Journal of Lightwave Technology 32 (8), 1601-1607, 2014
Transverse mode switching and locking in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers subject to orthogonal optical injection
A Valle, I Gatare, K Panajotov, M Sciamanna
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 43 (4), 322-333, 2007
Polarization and transverse-mode selection in quantum-well vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers: Index-and gain-guided devices
J Martin-Regalado, S Balle, M San Miguel, A Valle, L Pesquera
Quantum and Semiclassical Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society …, 1997
Dynamics of transverse mode competition in vertical cavity surface emitting laser diodes
A Valle, J Sarma, KA Shore
Optics communications 115 (3-4), 297-302, 1995
Inverse synchronization in semiconductor laser diodes
S Sivaprakasam, I Pierce, P Rees, PS Spencer, KA Shore, A Valle
Physical Review A 64 (1), 013805, 2001
Numerical and experimental analysis of optical frequency comb generation in gain-switched semiconductor lasers
A Rosado, A Pérez-Serrano, JMG Tijero, AV Gutierrez, L Pesquera, ...
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 55 (6), 1-12, 2019
Polarization-and transverse-mode dynamics in optically injected and gain-switched vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
K Panajotov, I Gatare, A Valle, H Thienpont, M Sciamanna
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 45 (11), 1473-1481, 2009
Polarization bistability in 1550 nm wavelength single-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers subject to orthogonal optical injection
A Valle, M Gomez-Molina, L Pesquera
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 14 (3), 895-902, 2008
Experimental study of optical frequency comb generation in gain-switched semiconductor lasers
A Rosado, A Perez-Serrano, JMG Tijero, Á Valle, L Pesquera, I Esquivias
Optics & Laser Technology 108, 542-550, 2018
High-frequency microwave signal generation using multi-transverse mode VCSELs subject to two-frequency optical injection
A Quirce, A Valle
Optics Express 20 (12), 13390-13401, 2012
Polarization switching in long-wavelength VCSELs subject to orthogonal optical injection
M Torre, A Hurtado, A Quirce, A Valle, L Pesquera, M Adams
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 47 (1), 92-99, 2010
Polarization selection and sensitivity of external cavity vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser diodes
A Valle, L Pesquera, KA Shore
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 10 (5), 639-641, 1998
Polarization-resolved characterization of long-wavelength vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser parameters
P Pérez, A Valle, L Pesquera
JOSA B 31 (11), 2574-2580, 2014
Nonlinear dynamics of current-modulated vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
A Valle, L Pesquera, SI Turovets, JM Lopez
Optics communications 208 (1-3), 173-182, 2002
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Articles 1–20