The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance KA Ericsson, RR Hoffman, A Kozbelt, AM Williams Cambridge University Press, 2018 | 3934 | 2018 |
Working minds: A practitioner's guide to cognitive task analysis B Crandall, GA Klein, RR Hoffman Mit Press, 2006 | 1967 | 2006 |
Making sense of sensemaking 1: Alternative perspectives G Klein, B Moon, RR Hoffman IEEE intelligent systems 21 (4), 70-73, 2006 | 1412 | 2006 |
Metrics for explainable AI: Challenges and prospects RR Hoffman, ST Mueller, G Klein, J Litman arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.04608, 2018 | 1024 | 2018 |
Ten challenges for making automation a" team player" in joint human-agent activity G Klien, DD Woods, JM Bradshaw, RR Hoffman, PJ Feltovich IEEE Intelligent Systems 19 (6), 91-95, 2004 | 889 | 2004 |
Making sense of sensemaking 2: A macrocognitive model G Klein, B Moon, RR Hoffman IEEE Intelligent systems 21 (5), 88-92, 2006 | 875 | 2006 |
Eliciting knowledge from experts: A methodological analysis RR Hoffman, NR Shadbolt, AM Burton, G Klein Organizational behavior and human decision processes 62 (2), 129-158, 1995 | 862 | 1995 |
The problem of extracting the knowledge of experts from the perspective of experimental psychology RR Hoffman AI magazine 8 (2), 53-53, 1987 | 682 | 1987 |
Use of the critical decision method to elicit expert knowledge: A case study in the methodology of cognitive task analysis RR Hoffman, B Crandall, N Shadbolt Human factors 40 (2), 254-276, 1998 | 655 | 1998 |
Macrocognition G Klein, KG Ross, BM Moon, DE Klein, RR Hoffman, E Hollnagel IEEE intelligent systems 18 (3), 81-85, 2003 | 615 | 2003 |
How can expertise be defined? Implications of research from cognitive psychology RR Hoffman Exploring expertise: Issues and perspectives, 81-100, 1998 | 562 | 1998 |
A summary of literature pertaining to the use of concept mapping techniques and technologies for education and performance support AJ Cañas, JW Coffey, MJ Carnot, P Feltovich, RR Hoffman, J Feltovich, ... Report to the Chief of Naval Education and Training 3, 1-108, 2003 | 467 | 2003 |
Explanation in human-AI systems: A literature meta-review, synopsis of key ideas and publications, and bibliography for explainable AI ST Mueller, RR Hoffman, W Clancey, A Emrey, G Klein arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.01876, 2019 | 417 | 2019 |
Seeing the invisible: Perceptual-cognitive aspects of expertise GA Klein, RR Hoffman Cognitive science foundations of instruction, 203-226, 2020 | 389 | 2020 |
The psychology of expertise: Cognitive research and empirical AI RR Hoffman Psychology Press, 2014 | 356 | 2014 |
Accelerated expertise: Training for high proficiency in a complex world RR Hoffman, P Ward, PJ Feltovich, L DiBello, SM Fiore, DH Andrews Psychology press, 2013 | 334 | 2013 |
The seven deadly myths of" autonomous systems" JM Bradshaw, RR Hoffman, DD Woods, M Johnson IEEE Intelligent Systems 28 (3), 54-61, 2013 | 325 | 2013 |
Trust in automation RR Hoffman, M Johnson, JM Bradshaw, A Underbrink IEEE Intelligent Systems 28 (1), 84-88, 2013 | 323 | 2013 |
Cognition and figurative language RP Honeck, RR Hoffman Routledge, 2018 | 306 | 2018 |
Eliciting and representing the knowledge of experts RR Hoffman, G Lintern Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance, 203-222, 2006 | 269 | 2006 |