Dr. Raj Sukhbir Singh
Dr. Raj Sukhbir Singh
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
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Dielectric and magnetoelectric properties of Bi5FeTi3O15
RS Singh, T Bhimasankaram, GS Kumar, SV Suryanarayana
Solid state communications 91 (7), 567-569, 1994
Pathologic pulmonary findings in children with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: a study of ten cases
VV Joshi, JM Oleske, AB Minnefor, S Saad, KM Klein, R Singh, M Zabala, ...
Human pathology 16 (3), 241-246, 1985
Clinical and laboratory profile of dengue fever
R Deshwal, MI Qureshi, R Singh
J Assoc Physicians India 63 (12), 30-32, 2015
Pathology of suspected acquired immune deficiency syndrome in children: a study of eight cases
VV Joshi, JM Oleske, AB Minnefor, R Singh, T Bokhari, RH Rapkin
Pediatric Pathology 2 (1), 71-87, 1984
Epidemiological studies on occurrence of haemorrhagic septicaemia in India.
J Dutta, BS Rathore, SG Mullick, R Singh, GC Sharma
Chronomics*: circadian and circaseptan timing of radiotherapy, drugs, calories, perhaps nutriceuticals and beyond
F Halberg, G Cornélissen, Z Wang, C Wan, W Ulmer, G Katinas, R Singh, ...
Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology 3 (5), 223-260, 2003
Effect of different concentrations of substrate in microbial fuel cells toward bioenergy recovery and simultaneous wastewater treatment
AR Rahmani, N Navidjouy, M Rahimnejad, S Alizadeh, MR Samarghandi, ...
Environmental Technology 43 (1), 1-9, 2022
Udder health in relation to udder and teat morphometry in Holstein Friesian× Sahiwal crossbred dairy cows
RS Singh, BK Bansal, DK Gupta
Tropical animal health and production 46, 93-98, 2014
Bio-filters for the Treatment of VOCs and Odors-A Review
K Vikrant, KH Kim, JE Szulejko, SK Pandey, RS Singh, BS Giri, ...
Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment 11 (3), 139-152, 2017
Status and strategies for pulses production for food and nutritional security in north-eastern region of India
A Das, S Babu, GS Yadav, MA Ansari, R Singh, LK Baishya, DJ Rajkhowa, ...
Indian Journal of Agronomy 61, 43-57, 2016
A framework for assessing readiness for tiger Panthera tigris reintroduction: a case study from eastern Cambodia
TNE Gray, R Crouthers, K Ramesh, J Vattakaven, J Borah, MKS Pasha, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 26, 2383-2399, 2017
Treatment of dyspepsia with Amalaki (Emblica officinalis Linn.)-an Ayurvedic drug
YK Chawla, P Dubey, R Singh, S Nundy
Studies on the use of plant growth substances for fruit retention in mango cv. Dashehari.
RS Singh, S Ram
Cavernous sinus syndrome: A prospective study of 73 cases at a tertiary care centre in Northern India
S Bhatkar, MK Goyal, A Takkar, KK Mukherjee, P Singh, R Singh, V Lal
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery 155, 63-69, 2017
Association of Trypanosoma theileri with peritonitis in a pregnant cross-bred cow: a case report
NK Sood, LD Singla, RS Singh, SK Uppal
Veterinární medicína 56 (2), 82, 2011
Molecular breeding for charcoal rot resistance in soybean I. Screening and mapping population development
A Talukdar, K Verma, DSS Gowda, SK Lal, RL Sapra, KP Singh, R Singh, ...
Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 69 (04), 367-370, 2009
Seroepidemiology and molecular characterization of hepatitis E virus infection in swine and occupationally exposed workers in Punjab, India
M Bansal, S Kaur, D Deka, R Singh, JPS Gill
Zoonoses and public health 64 (8), 662-672, 2017
Distribution of trace elements in blood, plasma and erythrocytes during different stages of gestation in buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis)
R Singh, SPS Singha, R Singh, MS Setia
Buffalo J 1, 77-85, 1991
Review on climate change and its impact on agriculture of Arunachal Pradesh in the Northeastern Himalayan region of India
R Bhagawati, K Bhagawati, D Jini, RA Alone, R Singh, A Chandra, ...
Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 16 (2), 535, 2017
A study on light trap catches of some rice pests in relation to meteorological factors
MK Sharma, V Pandey, RS Singh, RA Singh
Sinet: Ethiopian Journal of Science 27 (2), 165-170, 2004
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Articles 1–20