Yulia Grishina
Yulia Grishina
Research Scientist at Amazon Alexa
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TED Multilingual Discourse Bank (TED-MDB): a parallel corpus annotated in the PDTB style
D Zeyrek, A Mendes, Y Grishina, M Kurfalı, S Gibbon, M Ogrodniczuk
Language Resources and Evaluation 54 (2), 587-613, 2020
Anaphora resolution with the ARRAU corpus
M Poesio, Y Grishina, V Kolhatkar, NS Moosavi, I Roesiger, A Roussel, ...
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Models of Reference …, 2018
RU-EVAL-2014: Evaluating anaphora and coreference resolution for Russian
TS Ju, A Roytberg, AA Ladygina, MD Vasilyeva, IL Azerkovich, ...
Computational linguistics and intellectual technologies: Proceedings of the …, 2014
Knowledge-lean projection of coreference chains across languages
Y Grishina, M Stede
Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora …, 2015
Toward a bilingual lexical database on connectives: Exploiting a German/Italian parallel corpus
P Bourgonje, Y Grishina, M Stede
Proceedings of the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics …, 2017
Anaphoricity in connectives: A case study on German
M Stede, Y Grishina
Proceedings of the Workshop on Coreference Resolution Beyond OntoNotes …, 2016
Experiments on bridging across languages and genres
Y Grishina
Proceedings of the Workshop on Coreference Resolution Beyond OntoNotes …, 2016
Multi-source annotation projection of coreference chains: assessing strategies and testing opportunities
Y Grishina, M Stede
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Coreference Resolution Beyond OntoNotes …, 2017
Parallel coreference annotation guidelines
Y Grishina, M Stede
Unpublished Manuscript13, 2016
Combining the output of two coreference resolution systems for two source languages to improve annotation projection
Y Grishina
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation, 67-72, 2017
Russian coreference corpus
S Toldova, Y Grishina, A Ladygina, M Vasilyeva, G Sim, I Azerkovich
Input a Word, Analyze the World, 107-124, 2016
Conceptual and practical steps in event coreference analysis of large-scale data
FT Asr, J Sonntag, Y Grishina, M Stede
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on EVENTS: Definition, Detection …, 2014
De-biasing training data distribution using targeted data enrichment techniques
DT Le, JG Ramas, Y Grishina, K Rottmann
CORBON 2017 shared task: Projection-based coreference resolution
Y Grishina
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Coreference Resolution Beyond OntoNotes …, 2017
Truecasing German user-generated conversational text
Y Grishina, T Gueudre, R Winkler
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2020 …, 2020
Assessing the applicability of annotation projection methods for coreference relations
Y Grishina
Universität Potsdam, 2019
Pre-experiments on annotation of Russian Coreference Corpus
S Toldova, I Azerkovich, Y Grishina, A Ladygina, O Lyashevkaya, ...
Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. WP BRP 35, 2015
Local-to-global learning for iterative training of production SLU models on new features
Y Grishina, D Sorokin
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2022
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference
M Ogrodniczuk, S Pradhan, M Poesio, Y Grishina, V Ng
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Computational Models of Reference …, 2021
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference
M Ogrodniczuk, V Ng, Y Grishina, S Pradhan
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Models of Reference …, 2020
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Articles 1–20