Nilesh Wadibhasme
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Cited by
Thickness dependent structural, electrical and optical properties of chemically deposited nanopartical PbS thin films
AU Ubale, AR Junghare, NA Wadibhasme, AS Daryapurkar, RB Mankar, ...
Turkish Journal of Physics 31 (5), 279-286, 2007
Controlling the c-Si/a-Si: H interface in silicon heterojunction solar cells fabricated by HWCVD
M Agarwal, A Pawar, N Wadibhasme, R Dusane
Solar Energy 144, 417-423, 2017
Manifestation of flexible p–i–n Solar cells fabricated using HWCVD in WSN application
M Agarwal, A Munjal, N Wadibhasme, R Dusane
Wireless Personal Communications 120 (4), 3057-3069, 2021
a-Si: H passivation layer growth by HWCVD for Si heterojunction solar cells: Critical dependence on substrate temperature
A Mandal, N Wadibhasme, A Kumbhar, SV Ghaisas, RO Dusane
AIP Conference Proceedings 1999 (1), 2018
Low temperature deposition of device-quality silicon thin films for flexible PV application
NA Wadibhasme, RO Dusane
2014 IEEE 40th photovoltaic specialist conference (PVSC), 3060-3064, 2014
Growth temperature effect on a-Si: H thin films studied by constant photocurrent method
NA Wadibhasme, RO Dusane
AIP Conference Proceedings 1512 (1), 762-763, 2013
Effect of Antenna-Substrate Distance on Quality of a-Si: H During ICP CVD Using a Flat Spiral Antenna
P Karar, G Kumar, N Wadibhasme, DS Patil, RO Dusane
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 49 (2), 624-631, 2020
Computational and experimental investigations on the effect of crystallinity and crystal size on Na-transport in nanoscaled Si: implications for Si-based anodes for Na-ion …
A Kumar, D Chakraborty, Z Nabi, N Wadibhasme, RO Dusane, P Johari, ...
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 27 (5), 1227-1240, 2023
Designing single chamber hwcvd system for high deposition rate device quality A-Si: h thin films and solar cells
NA Wadibhasme, SK Soni, A Kumbhar
Видавництво СумДУ, 2011
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Articles 1–9