Volkmar Dierolf
Volkmar Dierolf
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Approaches for high internal quantum efficiency green InGaN light-emitting diodes with large overlap quantum wells
H Zhao, G Liu, J Zhang, JD Poplawsky, V Dierolf, N Tansu
Optics express 19 (104), A991-A1007, 2011
Defect–domain wall interactions in trigonal ferroelectrics
V Gopalan, V Dierolf, DA Scrymgeour
Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 37 (1), 449-489, 2007
Growths of staggered InGaN quantum wells light-emitting diodes emitting at 520–525 nm employing graded growth-temperature profile
H Zhao, G Liu, XH Li, GS Huang, JD Poplawsky, ST Penn, V Dierolf, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (6), 2009
Stability of intrinsic defects and defect clusters in from density functional theory calculations
H Xu, D Lee, J He, SB Sinnott, V Gopalan, V Dierolf, SR Phillpot
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (17), 174103, 2008
Characterization of new erbium-doped tellurite glasses and fibers
S Marjanovic, J Toulouse, H Jain, C Sandmann, V Dierolf, AR Kortan, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 322 (1-3), 311-318, 2003
Perspective: Toward efficient GaN-based red light emitting diodes using europium doping
B Mitchell, V Dierolf, T Gregorkiewicz, Y Fujiwara
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (16), 2018
Direct laser-writing of ferroelectric single-crystal waveguide architectures in glass for 3D integrated optics
A Stone, H Jain, V Dierolf, M Sakakura, Y Shimotsuma, K Miura, K Hirao, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 10391, 2015
Enhanced room-temperature luminescence efficiency through carrier localization in AlxGa1− xN alloys
CJ Collins, AV Sampath, GA Garrett, WL Sarney, H Shen, M Wraback, ...
Applied Physics Letters 86 (3), 2005
Rare earth doped III-nitrides for optoelectronic and spintronic applications
K O’Donnell, V Dierolf
Springer Netherlands, 2010
Direct-write method for domain inversion patterns in
V Dierolf, C Sandmann
Applied Physics Letters 84 (20), 3987-3989, 2004
Three-dimensional grain boundary spectroscopy in transparent high power ceramic laser materials
MO Ramirez, J Wisdom, H Li, YL Aung, J Stitt, GL Messing, V Dierolf, Z Liu, ...
Optics Express 16 (9), 5965-5973, 2008
Design and characteristics of staggered InGaN quantum-well light-emitting diodes in the green spectral regime
HP Zhao, GY Liu, XH Li, RA Arif, GS Huang, JD Poplawsky, S Tafon Penn, ...
IET optoelectronics 3 (6), 283-295, 2009
Combined excitation-emission spectroscopy of Er 3+ ions in stoichiometric LiNbO 3: The site selectivity of direct and up conversion excitation processes
V Dierolf, M Koerdt
Physical Review B 61 (12), 8043, 2000
Directionally controlled 3D ferroelectric single crystal growth in LaBGeO5 glass by femtosecond laser irradiation
A Stone, M Sakakura, Y Shimotsuma, G Stone, P Gupta, K Miura, K Hirao, ...
Optics express 17 (25), 23284-23289, 2009
Continuous-wave optical parametric terahertz source
R Sowade, I Breunig, IC Mayorga, J Kiessling, C Tulea, V Dierolf, K Buse
Optics express 17 (25), 22303-22310, 2009
Spectroscopic properties of Sm3+-doped lanthanum borogermanate glass
R Rajaramakrishna, B Knorr, V Dierolf, RV Anavekar, H Jain
Journal of luminescence 156, 192-198, 2014
The influence of 180 ferroelectric domain wall width on the threshold field for wall motion
S Choudhury, Y Li, N Odagawa, A Vasudevarao, L Tian, P Capek, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (8), 2008
Site-selective spectroscopy of Er in GaN
V Dierolf, C Sandmann, J Zavada, P Chow, B Hertog
Journal of Applied physics 95 (10), 5464-5470, 2004
Structure and energetics of ferroelectric domain walls in from atomic-level simulations
D Lee, H Xu, V Dierolf, V Gopalan, SR Phillpot
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (1), 014104, 2010
Excitation pathways and efficiency of Eu ions in GaN by site-selective spectroscopy
Z Fleischman, C Munasinghe, AJ Steckl, A Wakahara, J Zavada, V Dierolf
Applied Physics B 97, 607-618, 2009
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