Tracy Humby; Tracy-Lynn Field
Tracy Humby; Tracy-Lynn Field
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Urban resilience thinking for municipalities
P Harrison, K Bobbins, C Culwick, TL Humby, C La Mantia, A Todes, ...
University of the Witwatersrand, Gauteng City Region Observatory., 2014
Law and resilience: mapping the literature
TL Humby
Seattle J. Envtl. L. 4, 85, 2014
‘One environmental system’: aligning the laws on the environmental management of mining in South Africa
TL Humby
Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law 33 (2), 110-130, 2015
The Thabametsi case: Case no 65662/16 Earthlife Africa Johannesburg v minister of environmental affairs
TL Humby
Journal of Environmental Law 30 (1), 145-155, 2018
Redressing mining legacies: The case of the South African mining industry
TL Humby
Journal of Business Ethics 135, 653-664, 2016
Sustainable developent versus environmentalism: competing paradigms for the South African EIA regime
TL Field
South African Law Journal 123 (3), 409-436, 2006
State Governance of Mining, Development and Sustainability
TL Field
Evaluating the value of TWAIL, environmental justice, and decolonization discourses as framing lenses for international environmental law
TL Humby
Transnat'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 26, 317, 2016
Introduction to law and legal skills in South Africa: Jurisprudence
T Humby, L Kotzé, A Du Plessis
Oxford University Press Southern Africa, 2012
A just energy transition and functional federalism: the case of South Africa
TL Field
Transnational Environmental Law 10 (2), 237-261, 2021
The Spectre of Perpetuity Liability for Treating Acid Water on South Africa’s Goldfields: Decision in Harmony II
TL Humby
Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law 31 (4), 453-466, 2013
Environmental justice and human rights on the mining wastelands of the Witwatersrand gold fields
TL Humby
Revue générale de droit 43, 67-112, 2013
Localising environmental governance: the Le Sueur case
T Humby
Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad …, 2014
The Thabametsi Case: Case No 65662/16 Earthlife Africa Johannesburg v Minister of Environmental Affairs’(2018)
TL Humby
Journal of Environmental Law 30, 145, 0
The human right to water in South Africa and the Mazibuko decisions
T Humby, M Grandbois
Les Cahiers de droit 51 (3), 521-540, 2010
The Bengwenyama Trilogy: constitutional rights and the fight for prospecting in community land
T Humby
Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad …, 2012
The Biowatch Case: Major Advance in South African Law of Costs and Access to Environmental Justice: Trustees for the time being of the Biowatch Trust v Registrar, Genetic …
T Humby
Journal of environmental Law 22 (1), 125-134, 2010
Maccsand : Intergovernmental relationsand the doctrine of usurpation
T Humby
Southern African Public Law 27 (2), 628-638, 2012
The right to development-in-environment and its ecological and developmental thresholds
T Humby
South African Journal on Human Rights 32 (2), 219-247, 2016
The environmental management programme: legislative design, administrative practice and environmental activism
T Humby
South African Law Journal 130 (1), 60-84, 2013
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Articles 1–20