Erhan Kudeki
Erhan Kudeki
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois
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Estimating daytime vertical ExB drift velocities in the equatorial F‐region using ground‐based magnetometer observations
D Anderson, A Anghel, K Yumoto, M Ishitsuka, E Kudeki
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (12), 37-1-37-4, 2002
Scintillations, plasma drifts, and neutral winds in the equatorial ionosphere after sunset
S Basu, E Kudeki, S Basu, CE Valladares, EJ Weber, HP Zengingonul, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 101 (A12), 26795-26809, 1996
Postsunset vortex in equatorial F‐region plasma drifts and implications for bottomside spread‐F
E Kudeki, S Bhattacharyya
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 104 (A12), 28163-28170, 1999
Collisional shear instability in the equatorial F region ionosphere
DL Hysell, E Kudeki
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 109 (A11), 2004
Interferometer studies of equatorial F region irregularities and drifts
E Kudeki, BG Fejer, DT Farley, HM Ierkic
Geophysical Research Letters 8 (4), 377-380, 1981
Equatorial F region zonal plasma drifts
BG Fejer, E Kudeki, DT Farley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 90 (A12), 12249-12255, 1985
GPS phase fluctuations in the equatorial region during the MISETA 1994 campaign
J Aarons, M Mendillo, R Yantosca, E Kudeki
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 101 (A12), 26851-26862, 1996
Equatorial spread-F initiation: Post-sunset vortex, thermospheric winds, gravity waves
E Kudeki, A Akgiray, M Milla, JL Chau, DL Hysell
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 69 (17-18), 2416-2427, 2007
Long wavelength irregularities in the equatorial electrojet
E Kudeki, DT Farley, BG Fejer
Geophysical Research Letters 9 (6), 684-687, 1982
High resolution observations of 150 km echoes at Jicamarca
E Kudeki, CD Fawcett
Geophysical Research Letters 20 (18), 1987-1990, 1993
A new approach in incoherent scatter F region E× B drift measurements at Jicamarca
E Kudeki, S Bhattacharyya, RF Woodman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 104 (A12), 28145-28162, 1999
Electric field and plasma density measurements in the strongly driven daytime equatorial electrojet: 2. Two‐stream waves
RF Pfaff, MC Kelley, E Kudeki, BG Fejer, KD Baker
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 92 (A12), 13597-13612, 1987
Frequency domain interferometry: A high resolution radar technique for studies of atmospheric turbulence
E Kudeki, GR Stitt
Geophysical Research Letters 14 (3), 198-201, 1987
Radar interferometric imaging of field‐aligned plasma irregularities in the equatorial electrojet
E Kudeki, F Sürücü
Geophysical Research Letters 18 (1), 41-44, 1991
Electric field and plasma density measurements in the auroral electrojet
RF Pfaff, MC Kelley, BG Fejer, E Kudeki, CW Carlson, A Pedersen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 89 (A1), 236-244, 1984
The Condor Equatorial Spread F Campaign: Overview and results of the large‐scale measurements
MC Kelley, J LaBelle, E Kudeki, BG Fejer, S Basu, S Basu, KD Baker, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 91 (A5), 5487-5503, 1986
Aspect sensitivity of equatorial electrojet irregularities and theoretical implications
E Kudeki, DT Farley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 94 (A1), 426-434, 1989
Radar interferometric imaging studies of long‐duration meteor echoes observed at Jicamarca
E Chapin, E Kudeki
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 99 (A5), 8937-8949, 1994
The Condor equatorial electrojet campaign: Radar results
E Kudeki, BG Fejer, DT Farley, C Hanuise
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 92 (A12), 13561-13577, 1987
Plasma wave excitation on meteor trails in the equatorial electrojet
E Chapin, E Kudeki
Geophysical Research Letters 21 (22), 2433-2436, 1994
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Articles 1–20