Erkan Çelebi
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Field experiments on wave propagation and vibration isolation by using wave barriers
E Çelebi, S Fırat, G Beyhan, İ Çankaya, İ Vural, O Kırtel
Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering 29 (5), 824-833, 2009
Non-linear 2-D FE modeling for prediction of screening performance of thin-walled trench barriers in mitigation of train-induced ground vibrations
E Çelebi, O Kırtel
Construction and Building Materials 42, 122-131, 2013
Investigation of ground vibrations induced by moving loads
E Çelebi, G Schmid
Engineering Structures 27 (14), 1981-1998, 2005
Non-linear finite element analysis for prediction of seismic response of buildings considering soil-structure interaction
E Çelebi, F Göktepe, N Karahan
Natural hazards and earth system sciences 12 (11), 3495-3505, 2012
Three-dimensional modelling of train-track and sub-soil analysis for surface vibrations due to moving loads
E Çelebi
Applied Mathematics and Computation 179 (1), 209-230, 2006
Non-linear 2-D FE analysis for the assessment of isolation performance of wave impeding barrier in reduction of railway-induced surface waves
E Çelebi, F Göktepe
Construction and Building Materials 36, 1-13, 2012
October 23, 2011 Turkey/Van–Ercis earthquake: structural damages in the residential buildings
E Çelebi, M Aktas, N Çağlar, A Özocak, M Kutanis, N Mert, Z Özcan
Natural Hazards 65, 2287-2310, 2013
The evaluation of impedance functions in the analysis of foundations vibrations using boundary element method
E Çelebi, S Fırat, İ Çankaya
Applied Mathematics and Computation 173 (1), 636-667, 2006
Numerical and experimental study on scaled soil-structure model for small shaking table tests
F Goktepe, E Celebi, AJ Omid
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 119, 308-319, 2019
An experimental study on cyclic behavior of aerated concrete block masonry walls retrofitted with different methods
ME Arslan, E Celebi
Construction and Building Materials 200, 226-239, 2019
The effectiveness of wave barriers on the dynamic stiffness coefficients of foundations using boundary element method
E Çelebi, S Fırat, İ Çankaya
Applied mathematics and computation 180 (2), 683-699, 2006
Destructive impact of successive high magnitude earthquakes occurred in Türkiye’s Kahramanmaraş on February 6, 2023
A Demir, E Celebi, H Ozturk, Z Ozcan, A Ozocak, E Bol, S Sert, FZ Sahin, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 1-27, 2024
In-situ measurements and data analysis of environmental vibrations induced by high-speed trains: A case study in North-Western Turkey
E Celebi, AC Zülfikar, F Göktepe, O Kırtel, AA Faizan, B İstegün
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 156, 107211, 2022
Experimental validation of a simplified numerical model to predict train-induced ground vibrations
AA Faizan, O Kırtel, E Çelebi, AC Zülfikar, F Göktepe
Computers and Geotechnics 141, 104547, 2022
An Efficient Seismic Analysis Procedure for Torsionally Coupled Multistory Buildings Including Soil-Structure Interaction.
E Çelebi, AN Gündüz
Turkish Journal of Engineering & Environmental Sciences 29 (3), 2005
Small shaking table testing and numerical analysis of free-field site response and soil-structure oscillation under seismic loading
F Goktepe, M Sahin, E Celebi
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 79, 2949-2969, 2020
Site dependent and spatially varying response spectra
H Djilali Berkane, Z Harichane, E Çelebi, SM Elachachi
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 18, 497-509, 2019
Dikdörtgen rijit temellerin dinamik empedans fonksiyonları
E Çelebi, S Fırat, İ Çankaya
Teknik Dergi 17 (82), 3827-3849, 2006
Efficiency of wave impeding barrier in pipeline construction under earthquake excitation using nonlinear finite element analysis
F Goktepe, HS Kuyuk, E Celebi
Sadhana 39, 419-436, 2014
Seismic soil response of scaled geotechnical test model on small shaking table
E Çelebi, F Göktepe, AJ Omid
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 12, 1-9, 2019
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Articles 1–20