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This page lists public profiles for Rhode Island School of Design. To include your profile here, set your affiliation to Rhode Island School of Design and verify an email address at this institution. hide
Yuriko Saito

Yuriko Saito

Professor of Philosophy, Rhode Island School of Design
Verified email at risd.edu
Cited by 14049
Daniel Cavicchi

Daniel Cavicchi

Professor, History, Philosophy, and the Social Sciences, Rhode Island School of Design
Verified email at risd.edu
Cited by 1628
Damian White

Damian White

Professor, The Rhode Island School of Design
Verified email at risd.edu
Cited by 1216
Jeffrey Poland

Jeffrey Poland

RISD and Brown University
Verified email at risd.edu
Cited by 1170
Jennifer Prewitt-Freilino

Jennifer Prewitt-Freilino

Associate Professor of Psychology, Rhode Island School of Design
Verified email at risd.edu
Cited by 1162
Bruce D. Campbell

Bruce D. Campbell

Faculty, Rhode Island School of Design
Verified email at risd.edu
Cited by 785
Bryce DuBois

Bryce DuBois

Lecturer of Environmental Psychology, Rhode Island School of Design
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Cited by 485
Yoonsu Kim

Yoonsu Kim

Rhode Island School of Design
Verified email at alumni.risd.edu
Cited by 449
Zekai Akbay

Zekai Akbay

RISD, Wayne State University, Middle East Technical University
Verified email at risd.edu
Cited by 239
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